Stargate memories

Apr 03, 2013 22:46

After finding another Stargate fan wings128 on here, (welcome to you if you're lurking :))  I was reminded of a few fun things we did over on Gateworld way back when ( Read more... )

ronon, kirking, sheppard, flyboys, lorne, stargate, carson, rodney

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Comments 18

black_sluggard April 3 2013, 22:01:49 UTC
I was a mad fan of SG-1, and SG-Universe. I enjoyed a point. Part of my problem was hating Sheppard. I just. Couldn't. Effing. Stand him. I wanted it to be the Rodney-Radik-Carson show, where the focus wasn't on the actiony prettyboy.

And then they killed Carson with an exploding tumor. It wasn't even his tumor. Boo!


a_phoenixdragon April 3 2013, 22:09:12 UTC
Think that was my problem...besides the whole 'let's be Nazis!' thing...


quirky_thoughts April 3 2013, 22:10:32 UTC
Oh can't hate Sheppard! That's sacriledge. lol

Ah yes, killing Carson was a total mistake and I hated it.

So you're more a Jack fan?


black_sluggard April 3 2013, 22:16:52 UTC
Jack was awesome, but I'm actually just twisted enough to be a Dr. Rush fan. >.>

(Though, the more I think about it, that's like comparing apples and airplanes...)


a_phoenixdragon April 3 2013, 22:08:36 UTC
OMG, I think I love you, lol!!



quirky_thoughts April 5 2013, 20:19:28 UTC
Yay...another Stargate fan. :D


wings128 April 4 2013, 00:01:08 UTC
Ahh, you caught me!

Thank you, I do feel welcome, especially with these!

Pic two is my favourite of course, look at that hair! Perfection :P


quirky_thoughts April 4 2013, 20:26:20 UTC
Hehe...glad you like.

Yep,the Shep hair is very special! :D


wings128 April 4 2013, 21:00:44 UTC
Oooh, my it certainly is :P

BTW, wanted to mention that I love this line

"Be yourself, everyone else is taken"

You know how some quotes just stick with you, this one is so perfect a reminder for me at the moment.


quirky_thoughts April 9 2013, 19:19:13 UTC
I know what you mean, sometimes some quotes just fit the moment perfectly. :)


mackenziesmomma April 8 2013, 17:49:06 UTC
I'd seen this post scrolling through my feed last night but didn't stop to look. Now I'm glad I waited as I needed some eye candy at the office this morning. So thanks. :)


quirky_thoughts April 9 2013, 19:21:49 UTC
Hey *waves* Nice to see you. I hope you're doing okay. :)

Glad to be of service with the eye candy.


lap_of_the_gods April 10 2013, 13:22:31 UTC
*sigh* Some happy, happy memories there. Remember the pic fics we used to do, too? In the Shex thread, and with clones etc. I miss that...maybe we should start doing it here! :D

I love "dirty" one! Ahhh, Conversion... SO many good things in that ep! :D


quirky_thoughts April 15 2013, 18:31:19 UTC
I know, the pic fics were great. It would be a good way to kick start any writer's block as well I reckon.

I must sort out the speech bubbles though! For some reason I can't find them on PB any more!


lap_of_the_gods April 19 2013, 15:29:48 UTC
I reckon we should definitely start something... maybe we could have a comm for it something & we could have it as a regular thing. Hmm, a caption contest, maybe? The cogs are turning now! :p

Urgh, don't ask me, I hate it now! LOL


quirky_thoughts April 22 2013, 20:52:11 UTC
That's a great's something that appeals to a lot of people. Now where to find the time?! :D


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