Title: Secrets and Liars Part 2
quietprofanityFandom: Spider-Man
Warnings: Graphic m/m sex, profanity and drug use
Disclaimer: Peter “Spider-Man” Parker, Harry Osborn,Max “Electro” Dillon, May Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Eugene “Flash” Thompson, Empire State University, the Daily Bugle, the Coffee Bean, Jean DeWolffe, Donald Menken, and Norman “Green Goblin” Osborn are all property of Marvel Comics and are used without permission for non-profit purposes.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Mr. Sinister for all your support and big, wet, upside-down kisses to Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire, James Franco, Kirsten Dunst, and Willem Dafoe for the movie, without which people’s interest in this fanfic would not have increased as much as it did…
Eugene “Flash” Thompson sighed as he adjusted the radio once again. Damn, it still wasn’t working. He’d lost the signal to his favorite station when he left lunch and hadn’t been able to get it back since. He had tried everything. Shaking the radio. Adjusting the station button. Screaming, “Work, you stupid thing!” at the ungrateful machine. But eventually, Flash gave up. He slammed the radio down on his lap. “Aw, forget it,” he muttered to himself.
“Got a problem, soldier boy?”
Flash looked up at the speaker and smiled. “Hi Mary Jane. Yeah, I can’t get this radio on the right station.”
Mary Jane sat with Flash on the bench. “What station do you want?”
“Ninety-five point seven.”
“Okee-doke.” Mary Jane took the radio from Flash’s lap and placed it on her own. She turned a knob and in mere moments irritating static was replaced by smooth rock.
Flash blinked as he took back his radio. “How’d you do that?”
Mary Jane shrugged. “I just turned the knob.”
“But that’s what I was doing.”
“What knob were you turning?”
Flash pointed to it.
“Flash, that’s the tuner.”
“Oh…” The young man hung his head sheepishly. “Well, it’s still new. I have a little trouble with it.”
“Uh-huh…” Mary Jane said, her tone a bit disbelieving.
“Thanks anyway, MJ.”
“No problem.” Mary Jane smiled and moved closer to Flash. “So what are you listening to?”
“News, actually.” Flash placed the radio in between them. “Harry and I were listening to it earlier. Electro has some hostages in a bank near here.”
Mary Jane exhaled. “Whoo… sounds pretty exciting.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Flash nodded. “Maybe they’ll give us an update when the song is over.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Mary Jane stared at the ground, swinging her feet back and forth like a small child. “So, you were talking to Harry. Did he tell you about-?”
“-Him and Parker being friends again? He didn’t need to. I saw them at the Lakebreeze.”
“That dump? Why do you guys go there?”
“Good pork roll.”
Flash laughed and brushed a fallen leaf from his shoulder. “But yeah, I know about it. I don’t know. I don’t like Parker, but at least Harry seems to have loosened up. He’s been like the living dead for the past few weeks.”
“He was?” Mary Jane asked as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Oh, yeah. Didn’t you notice?”
“Eh…” The young woman shifted her weight on the bench. “No, actually. I haven’t talked to him at all lately.”
Except for that embarrassing exchange a few hours ago, Mary Jane thought. Damn, and she really didn’t want to think about that right now, either. It’s not that Harry’s attitude toward her really offended her. Actually, considering what recently happening to him and their rough break-up a few months ago it was almost expected. What bothered Mary Jane was how it affected Peter.
It had been a month since she had the chance to really talk with Peter and Goddamn it, she was glad to have a real conversation with him. It made her happy to know
that Peter was happy, that he was starting to move on after Gwen’s death. When Harry broke them up, gave her that look that made her feel-know that she clearly wasn’t wanted. Well, she had to say it just made her feel-
“Hey, MJ. Are you listening?”
Mary Jane blinked. Wow, she didn’t even notice she was daydreaming. “Sorry. What did you say?”
“Why were those two fighting, anyway?”
“Fighting?” Mary Jane’s right eyebrow rose. “I don’t really know if they were fighting. I always thought they were both too upset to talk to anyone.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought too,” Flash nodded. “But I don’t know. I figured that since they’re so close and everything… I mean, really. A month, Mary Jane?”
“Hmm. Maybe. But it’s not like either of them were overly friendly to us, either,” Mary Jane shook her head. “No, I really think it was just grief, Flash.
This was big for both of them. Peter didn’t even talk to his aunt.”
“But like I said before, don’t you find that strange?” Flash insisted.
Mary Jane said nothing for a moment. “A little, I suppose. So what? You think this was something bigger?”
“Yeah. I have no idea what, though.”
“Hmm. Well, I can’t really help you there.” Mary Jane pulled her purse over her shoulder and stood up. “Oh well. It’s not really our business, anyway.”
Flash nodded. “I guess not. See you around, babe.”
“See ya. Enjoy the news, by the way…”
Electro growled as the webbing splattered over his face. He tore at the fabric around his eyes, struggling to regain his sight. Unfortunately this act, rather than helping him, only succeeded in making Spider-Man laugh. Frustrated and sick of the wall-crawler’s taunting, Electro ripped off his mask. He turned to Spider-Man, his face a scowl.
“You’ll pay for that!” the criminal yelled, his hands sizzling with electricity.
Spider-Man merely smiled beneath his mask as he dodged the blast. “Aw, look at the bright side. It got rid of the dumbest part of your costume. Then again, now I have to look at your ugly face…”
Electro was not amused. “You think my face is ugly?” The criminal thrust his hands towards the ground, shooting a blast at it. The blast propelled Electro through the air, sending him hurtling towards Spider-Man. “Well, wait until you see your face when I’m through with it.”
Warned by his spider-sense, the hero jumped to a nearby lamppost just in time to see the green and yellow garbed villain crash into the wall. He smiled until he heard the approving laughter of a few vocal bystanders.
“What are you people doing?” Spider-Man yelled at them. God, didn’t they realize what danger they were in? “Get out of here. Run-Aaarggh!”
The hero screamed with pain as a bolt of electricity shot through his body. The pain was brutal but brief. Momentarily stunned, he fell from the lamppost.
“Metal conducts electricity, moron,” he whispered to himself. At least it convinced most of the crowd to run away, leaving only the police and the braver reporters.
Spider-Man had little time to think about that when his spider-sense buzzed again.
Spider-Man opened his eyes. What happened? He looked up to see one of Electro’s men holding his arm in pain. The man was on his knees, a gun at his feet. Spider-Man looked across the police line, where a cop was reloading his gun. He instantly realized where the thug had been aiming.
“Gotta remember that cop in my will,” he thought.
However Electro was not so pleased. He aimed his hand towards the cop, about to blast him, but Spider-Man was quicker. One jump kick and Electro was on the ground in less than a minute.
The hero thrust his hands towards Electro, attempting to web him up, but stopped at the buzzing of his spider-sense and the sound of heavy footfall. The gang was ambushing him!
“Better deal with them first,” Spider-Man thought. He tapped the shooters twice, once short, once long, creating a large film of webbing that covered the men like a blanket.
Then he turned to Electro, planning to do the same. Tap once. Tap twice.
He was out of webbing.
“Aw, great.”
A moment after Spider-Man said his last word, Electro was on his feet. He drew back his fist, charged it and let loose. The hero cried out as energy pierced flesh and bone. He fell to the ground.
The criminal lost no time. Once again he shot a blast at the ground, propelling him to the top of the bank, then shot another at the roof that propelled him out of sight.
Electro was gone, at least for now.
Spider-Man sat up and groaned, for more than one reason. One, the shock of the blast still hurt like hell. Two, he allowed Electro to get away. Three, it wouldn’t have really helped anyway because that webbing he’d just used up was the last of his non-conductive batch and fighting Electro without it would have been considerably harder. Four, he had to run home and make a new batch of said webbing, which would take up a lot of time that he could be using to find the creep. And five, the adoring public had him surrounded.
“Spider-Man. Cara Harding from the Daily Bugle. Is it true that this whole hostage situation was set-up as a publicity stunt to further your career?”
The hero glared at the well-dressed female reporter. “Yeah. In fact, the next fight will be tomorrow at Empire State University. Come early and the college will give you a free t-shirt. Could you leave me alone, please?”
With that, Spider-Man leaped above the crowd and landed on the wall of the bank. He began to climb up.
Spider-Man turned back to see a man running towards him. It was the cop from before.
The cop panted rapidly as he ran to meet Spider-Man. He stopped and lifted up the brim of his hat. Then he smiled at Spider-Man. “Thanks for saving my life.”
Spider-Man smiled back. At least someone appreciated him for once. “Hey, you scratch my back, I scratch yours.”
The cop shrugged. “Just doing my job.”
“Me too. Are the hostages okay?”
“Mostly,” the cop nodded. “Unfortunately, we’ve got one guy in there who’s going to trauma. He took a pretty hard blast; might not make it. Others are okay, though.”
Spider-Man sighed in sympathy. “Tell him I wish him well.”
“Will do. Take care of yourself, Spidey.”
With that, Spider-Man loaded his web-shooters and swung away. Sometimes web-swinging would lift the hero’s soul, but not at times like this. His mind was fixed on that poor man.
“Going to trauma,” he whispered to himself. “He might not make it.”
Electro was free and he would probably strike again. Would there be another like that man? Would someone else be hurt because of Electro?
Not if he could help it. He wouldn’t allow anyone to die.
Spider-Man swung as fast as possible, determined to get home and make that webbing.
As soon as he arrived home, Peter Parker threw himself into making the batch with a near-fanatical devotion. Perched on a swivel chair, he pushed himself from his
scientific notes, to his laboratory set, back again, then over to the sink where he was developing his pictures.
“Who says I can’t do two things at once?” Peter asked as he hung up another picture.
In the confines of his darkroom, Peter continued to work.
And the hours ticked by…
“Well, that about wraps it up,” Randolph Clapp said as he closed his briefcase. “You know that except for the residue, the money is yours. Your father did leave a few debts, but you should be pretty secure. As for his company, that will be left in Mr. Menken’s hands until you finish college.”
Harry Osborn nodded as he checked his watch. “I’m… Well, thank you for everything, Mr. Clapp. You’ve been a great help.”
Clapp just smiled. “Not a problem, Mr. Osborn. Your father was a great friend of mine. I’m happy to help you.”
The waiter returned with the check. Clapp placed his share of the bill on the table and stood up.
”I have to run out early but like I said before, call me if you have any questions.”
“I will.”
“I’m sorry about your friend, Mr. Osborn. I would have loved to meet him.”
Harry sighed sadly. “Yeah, well Pete’s a great guy but he has the memory of a sieve, if any.”
“I’m sure he’s a fine man. Good-bye, Mr. Osborn.”
“Good-bye, Mr. Clapp.”
With that the old lawyer left, leaving Harry alone. The young man shook his head as he took out his checkbook.
He should have expected it. He really should have. This wasn’t the first time Peter didn’t show up. It wouldn’t be the last. Still he had thought-expected him to come, especially considering their miserable conversation this afternoon.
Harry handed the checks to the waiter, as well as some bills for the tip. He sighed as he left the restaurant and stepped into the cool night air. He acted poorly this morning. Peter did say they were just talking and he had no reason to doubt him.
But he had plenty of reasons to doubt her.
Harry unlocked the door to his car and stepped inside. As he clipped his seat belt and turned the ignition he thought back on his time with Mary Jane. He’d loved her once, very much. It was hard not to love her. She wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box, but she made up for it in her sense of fun and pure infectiousness. When Peter first met Mary Jane he
said, “She makes everything seem like a party.” It was true, and that was why Harry had loved her. She made life fun.
They’d been great at first. At least Harry thought so. Then she seemed to change overnight. It still angered him to remember how Mary Jane paid less and less attention to him. How she flirted heavily with Peter right in front of him. How she dumped him so hard and so completely.
Well, not completely. They tried to salvage everything after Harry left the hospital, but by that time it was too little, too late. The party was over.
Harry didn’t hate Mary Jane. He really didn’t. But thinking back on how she acted towards Peter… Well, he thought he had plenty of reasons not to trust her.
The young man turned the corner to their apartment. Then again, maybe he wasn’t giving Peter enough credit. Even if Mary Jane were trying for him, that didn’t mean he’d respond.
“Right,” Harry told himself. Peter loved him. Harry knew he did. He probably just got held up somewhere. Everything was fine. Just fine.
They were going to be very happy.
Peter’s heavy sigh filled the room as he snapped the new web cartridges into his shooters. All right! After many long hours his webbing was finally finished (and his pictures too, but those had been done for a long time now). All that remained was to find Electro and that…
Ring! Ring!
“Who’s that?” Peter wondered. He exited his private room and rushed to the phone.
Ring! Ri-
“Hello?” Peter asked the receiver.
“Harry, is that you?”
“No, Aunt May. It’s me.”
“Oh, Peter!”
The young man smiled upon hearing the joy in his aunt’s voice.
“I’m sorry, dear,” she continued. “It was silly to make that mistake. He’s just been the only one here for so long…”
“I know,” Peter admitted. “I’m sorry.”
The old woman said nothing for a moment. “Hmm. Oh well. Never mind that. How are you, dear? I haven’t heard from you in ages. Are you doing well?”
“Yeah, I’m doing great. I… I got some great pictures today.”
“And college? How’s that going?”
Peter winced. “Not so well.”
“Oh…” May said. She sounded a little disappointed. “Well, I’m sure you’ll catch up soon. Just remember to study.”
“I will.”
“Anyway, I’m glad to hear from you, dear. I’ve been so worried about you.”
“I…” Peter sat on the couch as he continued to talk. “Well, I actually haven’t been doing so well for the past month, but I think things are going to change.”
“Oh that’s good. I know how you feel about that poor girl.”
Peter hung his head as he recalled his former lover. “Well… I’m doing better now.”
“Good. Um… Peter, I do have a question for you.”
“Oh?” Peter leaned forward so that his elbows were on his knees. “What’s that?”
“Actually, I just wanted to know… Are you doing anything tomorrow?”
“Um…” Peter thought for a minute. “Not really. Why?”
“Oh, it’s just that I haven’t seen you in so long. Would you like to go out to dinner?”
“Hey, sure!” Peter smiled. She was right. They really hadn’t seen each other in awhile. “That sounds great.”
“Wonderful! I’ll pick you up at eight, dear.”
“I love you, Peter.”
“I love you too, Aunt May. You’re my favorite woman in the world.”
His aunt giggled. “Oh, it’s so good to hear from you, Peter. Good-bye, dear.”
As soon as Peter replaced the phone on the receiver, he heard the door creak open. Peter smiled when he realized who it was.
“Hey, Harry!” he waved. Peter lowered his hand when his salutation was met with a frown.
Harry crossed his arms. “Forget someone?”
“I…” Peter slapped his forehead. Seven o’clock. Lawyer at the restaurant. Damn it. How could he forget? “Oh God. Harry, I’m so…”
“Sorry,” Harry finished. “Yeah, I know you are.” The young man hung up his coat and stormed out of the room.
“Harry, wait!” Peter rushed after him, but his friend had already retreated into his room. He frowned for a moment at the closed door, then continued his plea. "I really wanted to be there…”
“Not enough to get there.”
Peter sighed. “I’m sorry. It… I totally forgot.”
“So what else is new?”
“Harry, I… I…”
Peter could hear Harry groan on the other side of the door. “You what?”
“I… I don’t have an excuse. I… I’m sorry.” Peter turned around and leaned his back against the door. “I don’t know what to do, I… I’m really sorry I left you there. …Can I make it up to you somehow?”
Harry didn’t answer. Peter waited for a full minute. He sighed, ready to give up.
“Peter, the door isn’t locked.”
Peter glanced at the doorknob, his heart rate already increasing. He turned the knob, found Harry was right, and opened the door.
Harry sat on the edge of his bed, his face more serious than angry. Peter stood in front of him. His stance was upright, his face apologetic. The door made a loud click as it closed.
Harry sighed. “Peter, I’m not that mad at you. I’m disappointed, yeah, but you know what? You’ve always been like this. There’s no reason why you’d change for me.”
“Harry, I’m…”
The young man held up his hand. “Look, I can get over this. And I’m not asking you to change or anything like that. I’m… I’m not perfect either.”
“I’m not asking you to be,” Peter pointed out.
“And neither am I. Just… Try not to do that again, okay? Even if nothing changes. Just… just…” Harry sighed. “Promise you’ll try.”
Peter nodded. “I promise to try. I only wish that wasn’t the best I can do.”
To Peter’s surprise, Harry actually laughed. “At least you’re honest about it.”
Odd thing to say about a guy whose life is mostly secrets, Peter thought. “I… I didn’t like leaving you there, Harry. I never do. Not with you or any of my friends. I… I don’t like hurting you.”
A smile grew on Harry’s face. “I love you, Peter.”
Peter looked up. Harry held out his hand. With a single movement, Peter stepped forward and took it, then straddled Harry, pushing his lover back on the bed.
Harry fell back easily, not protesting when Peter lay on top of him. His lover’s lips covered his own and Harry moaned as he felt Peter’s tongue delving into his mouth. It was beautiful, the way he kissed. A perfect mix of gentleness and hidden strength. Harry pushed back against Peter, massaging his tongue until his lover finally broke off and gasped for breath. Then he pulled Peter in again, this time taking the lead. He thrust himself inside and out, sucking Peter’s lips as he did so.
Peter sighed in pleasure. God, this kiss was too much. He shifted uncomfortably, attempting to quell growing arousal. It was to no avail. His face flushed as he started to become erect.
The feel of Peter’s cock growing against him shocked Harry so much that he broke off the kiss. He moaned in pleasure. “God,” he gasped. “You’re too much.”
Peter laughed. “I’m too much? Sheesh, and we haven’t
even really started yet. Is that good or bad?”
“Oh, good… so good.” Harry wrapped his arms around Peter, holding him close. “My rock… I love you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Peter smiled, flattered. He still didn’t believe Harry’s earlier compliment, but it was nice to hear. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you either, Har. You… you make my life brighter.”
At the sound of those words, Harry froze and stared at Peter. Then he shut his eyes tightly and rubbed them with his fingertips.
“Harry, what’s wrong?” Peter asked, his face filled with concern.
His lover exhaled and removed his hands from his eyes. They were dry, but he still looked as if he could have cried. “It’s… it’s nothing. I… it’s just… nobody’s ever said anything like that to me before.”
Peter said nothing. What could he say to something like that?
Harry’s good hand ran along Peter’s shoulder, then wrapped around his back to pull Peter closer. Peter sighed as their lips met once again. He closed his eyes to better feel the kiss. It’s wetness. It’s warmth.
His eyes were still closed when they broke off. Peter could feel himself becoming more and more aroused by the minute. Not for the first time he reflected on how much he had changed. Little over a month ago the thought of lusting after another man, forget kissing
one, scared the heck out of him. Now he was shuddering with anticipation at the thought of entering his lover or of feeling Harry inside him. God, every cell in his body was screaming for it.
Harry was thinking similar things. He moaned with pleasure as Peter’s cock pressed against his suit pants. “Now…” he whispered to Peter. “Do it now.”
Peter nodded. “Let me get the stuff.”
Harry laughed and pushed himself further back on the bed as Peter got up to get the lube and condoms. “Ever the responsible one, huh?”
“Yeah, well if you want to hurt your ass or get sick, be my guest.” Peter opened the top drawer.
Harry smiled as he removed his shirt. “Point taken.”
They said nothing more for a moment. Harry continued to strip and Peter quickly followed suit. Then Peter laid the lube on the nightstand and got into bed.
He crawled over to Harry, his cock stiff, its tip moist with pre-ejaculate. Harry laughed and shuddered with excitement. “You look like you’re going to attack me or something.”
“Do I?” Peter removed one of the condoms from its package and slipped it over Harry’s sex, which was now as hard as his own. Harry moaned with pleasure as Peter continued, “Well, you’re not really protesting.”
Harry took the other package from Peter, opened it, and rolled its contents over his lover. He brushed his lips against Peter’s. “Who could protest you?”
“Plenty have.”
“Morons.” Harry wrapped his arms around Peter and held him close, delighting in the feel of skin on skin and Peter’s hard, rubbered cock pressing up against his own. He nearly melted when Peter began to smother him with kisses on his forehead, his cheek, his ear. “C’mon,” he whispered.
“Right.” Peter nodded. He reached for the lube as Harry turned over. Harry’s breathing was hard and slow, and every breath was like a jolt to Peter’s system. God, he could hardly wait.
Harry exhaled loudly as he felt Peter’s lube-covered finger pushing inside his buttocks. It was only by an act of sheer willpower that he didn’t come that instinct. In fact, the fight not to thrust forward was a misery. “Please,” he moaned.
“One minute…” Peter positioned himself so he was in back of Harry. He leaned forward and kissed the nape of his neck. His cock was throbbing. His heart was racing. Peter took a deep breath. Then he pushed himself inside.
A wave of pleasure and relief washed over Peter as he felt Harry spasm around him. God, he’d wanted this so badly. He’d wanted him so badly. Mustering up all the self-control he had left, Peter thrust himself forward, hard and slow.
The shock of the entrance had been enough to make Harry want to come. Now the inclination was so strong that it maddened him. He felt like he was burning. All his thoughts were focused on the act, the plain and pleasure, the need for relief and to stay. He arched his back as Peter pushed forward again.
Peter loved the sight. He groaned as he ran his hands up and down Harry’s sides and back. So often in his life, too often in his life, Peter’s actions or inactions had caused the ones he loved pain or sorrow. But now, as he looked at Harry, saw him writhe with passion under him, Peter realized with pride that this was his doing. That now, as with Gwen before, Peter had the power to make the people he loved happy.
Then he could feel it rising in him. Peter began to sweat as his thrusts became quicker. He let out a long, low moan as his passion reached its peak. For the briefest moment he and time stood still, poised between build and release.
If only the moment could have lasted forever.
Peter groaned as he released his seed, feeling his passion and strength drain away. All that was left was euphoria so great that it was almost its own oppression. Peter’s every instinct told him to lie down and rest, but he wouldn’t. Not yet at least. Peter reached beneath his lover and took Harry’s cock in his own hand.
“Oh God…” Harry whispered. He bit his lip as Peter stroked him. He threw his head back at the delicious sensation of flesh pushing against flesh. It was almost time. Harry could feel it overtake and consume him. It felt so good. Oh God. Oh dear G-
Harry let out a moan as his semen poured out of him. He felt like he might swoon when two strong arms wrapped around him and pulled him back.
A sigh escaped Harry’s lips as he leaned back against Peter. He looked up at his lover.
For a moment nothing happened. Peter just held him; his hazel eyes locked on Harry’s blue ones. He stroked the back of his hand against Harry’s cheek. “I love you.”
Harry took Peter’s hand in his own then brought it to his lips. One by one Harry sucked Peter’s fingers.
Peter was telling the truth, wasn’t he? Peter did love him. He did care for him. He had to, right? Peter told him he made his life brighter, right?
In an attempt to convince himself further, Harry turned around and wrapped Peter in his arms, pulling him down on the bed. Yes, he told himself, Peter loved him. He was just talking to Mary Jane. He did just forget about the date. It was him who Peter really cared for.
Peter had to. If not… what would he do?
Harry refused to think of it. He just held Peter, his
Peter in his arms.
And they stayed that way until morning.
“-afternoon at the First National Bank, the costumed vigilante known as Spider-Man faced off against the so-called ‘supervillain’ Electro. There were no fatalities, however 34-year-old bank teller Richard Towers is in critical condition. Police captain Jean DeWolffe also warns residents that Electro is a dangerous man, one that is still at large in New York City. If you or anyone you know have information about this man, please report it to your local police station immediately.
“Meanwhile, Spider-Man has his own information about Electro.”
“‘-the next fight will be tomorrow at Empire State University. Come early and the college will give you a free t-shirt.’”
Click! The image of Spider-Man shrunk to a white dot and faded, leaving only a dull black. The man opposite the television laughed as his yellow-gloved hand lowered the remote.
“You called it, webslinger.” Max Dillon crossed his legs as he leaned back on his couch, his face a smug smile. “You called it.”
“So answer me a question.”
“Why is it always my bed?”
Peter laughed as he and Harry turned the corner and walked down the street leading to the Coffee Bean. It was a beautiful day. The sky was beautiful and clear; its few fluffy clouds only made it more picturesque. The temperature was also great… for November at least. It was cold but not a biting cold. There was very little wind.
“We’ll sleep in my bed after you tick me off,” Peter smiled. “God, is today gorgeous or what?”
“I know,” Harry agreed. “Can you believe they’re predicting thunderstorms for tonight?”
“Thunderstorms? Really?”
“Yeah. Temperature’s going to drop, too.”
“Hmm… weird.”
“Yeah, too bad. I’m liking the global warming.”
Harry checked his watch as they continued down the street. “So what’s on the schedule for you today?”
“For me? Um, actually I’ll be kind of busy today,” Peter said as he thought of his search for Electro. “But I’ll be around ESU for my classes and… oh! I’m going out with Aunt May tonight.”
“Oh yeah?” Harry nodded. “That’s nice.”
The two men stopped talking as they descended the stairs to the Coffee Bean. Harry opened the door. “After you…”
“Thank you.”
Harry followed Peter inside the vestibule and closed the door behind him. “Too bad you’re so busy. So… I guess after this I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yeah,” Peter nodded. “Sorry we couldn’t do more today. I still feel bad about leaving you.”
“It’s all right…” Harry paused for a moment. “Hey. Do you think anyone could see us from here?”
Peter checked the wall that stood between the vestibule and the main room of café. There was a slight possibility that someone could look through the opening in the wall that led into the main room, but on the whole… “No… not well, at least.”
“Good.” Harry stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Peter’s waist, pulling him close.
Peter hesitated for a moment. True, it would be very hard to see them, but then again…
Harry’s lips grew closer to his. Aw, heck. One kiss wouldn’t hurt. He probably didn’t know half of the people out there, anyway.
Peter closed his eyes as skin met skin. He felt his lover’s mouth engulf his own, his tongue invade his mouth. He wrapped his arms around Harry.
Suddenly, Peter’s spider-sense buzzed. He broke off the kiss. “The door…”
Too late. Peter and Harry separated themselves as quickly as possible, but the damage was done.
The two men stared at the doorway. Harry tried to say something, but could only cough uncomfortably. Peter felt the blood drain from his face as he wiped his lips. “Hi, guys,” he offered.
Flash and Mary Jane didn’t say a thing. They just stood in the doorway, their faces confused and shocked. After many painful minutes, Mary Jane shook her head and looked at Peter.
“Harry…” Mary Jane shook her head again. “Well, that wasn’t fair. You know I never would have guessed that…”
To be continued…