Today's blog entry doesn't look particularly different from usual - gadgets everywhere, something drawn up on the whiteboard, all that good stuff. The change comes when Dr. Horrible speaks.
"So," he says. "Apparently Bad Horse had a racing accident last week. And, in the end, that... means what it usually means for horses. You'd think he'd get better services, for all the dastardly deeds, but - I don't know, maybe he picked the terrible death whinny over invulnerability, or something.
"Anyway. The Evil League of Evil has a bylaw, it turns out, that says any applications in process at the time of the leader's death need to be re-submitted to remain in consideration. I'm... thinking that one over. No doubt some of you are wondering why it would be that tough, but some research has uncovered a few interesting points
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It wasn't terribly difficult to see that Mark was feeling a lot of pressure. He still had completely ridiculous notions that he had to be everything to everyone at all times and subsequently was a failure whenever he fell short
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I know you can pull through Quinn! It's impossible for someone as sweet as you to not have a happy ending! We're all pulling for you, and if you are ever in or near Boston please let me know! I have a car! I can fetch you!
Comments 16
"So," he says. "Apparently Bad Horse had a racing accident last week. And, in the end, that... means what it usually means for horses. You'd think he'd get better services, for all the dastardly deeds, but - I don't know, maybe he picked the terrible death whinny over invulnerability, or something.
"Anyway. The Evil League of Evil has a bylaw, it turns out, that says any applications in process at the time of the leader's death need to be re-submitted to remain in consideration. I'm... thinking that one over. No doubt some of you are wondering why it would be that tough, but some research has uncovered a few interesting points ( ... )
I know you can pull through Quinn! It's impossible for someone as sweet as you to not have a happy ending! We're all pulling for you, and if you are ever in or near Boston please let me know! I have a car! I can fetch you!
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