
Sep 09, 2007 23:08

[ETA Random Tangent: BuffyWorld's back up ( Read more... )

fic, rants

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Comments 27

ME too... bitcheesquared September 10 2007, 08:23:56 UTC
Glad I'm not the only one.
I mean c'mon? 7 years and not once does she look his way, then bam!
Personally I think your little story is far more likely.
Great job wish Joss had thought of it.


Re: ME too... quinara September 10 2007, 10:59:39 UTC
Thank you! It does seem utterly ludicrous.

I suppose we can always take comfort in the fact that, if they do get together, Joss won't let it end happily. ;)


petzipellepingo September 10 2007, 13:03:19 UTC
“Because those nights on the back porch were all about the joy and merriment.” The irony somehow took the sting away.

“Yeah, well, we could’ve been having sex on the kitchen floor.” She raised her hands and shook her head as Xander’s mouth dropped open. “That’s all I’m saying.”

"snorfle" I always wondered about that myself... A very sweet (and a little sad) piece, nice job.


quinara September 10 2007, 14:25:24 UTC
Thank you! And hee - it never seemed like the most sensible place for them to go at it.


(The comment has been removed)

quinara September 10 2007, 14:58:33 UTC
Aw, thank you! My like for Xander has always been a little turbulent, but generally I think he's great. His and Buffy's friendship always seemed quite genuine.


evilawyer September 10 2007, 16:42:31 UTC
Very nice. I love how Xander unwittingly puts his foot in at first. He should know by now that Buffy doesn't take anything even remotely resembling criticism very well.


quinara September 10 2007, 19:04:06 UTC
Thank you! And it just wouldn't be as fun if Xander didn't put his foot in it so often...


louise39 September 11 2007, 22:16:13 UTC
Love how this story uses what was the best of the Buffy-Xander friendship. '..she found herself folded into a hug, tears leaking from her eyes onto Xander’s warm and wonderfully platonic shoulder. Why had they let themselves become flirting buddies.' the past and present and most probably future of their relationship.


quinara September 11 2007, 22:59:26 UTC
Thank you! I rarely write Xander, so I'm really glad he and Buffy worked. :)


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