Title: That Same Old Song Author: aishuu Fandom: XXXholic with CCS thrown in Pairing: A touch of Yuuko/Clow Type: gen Rating: PG Disclaimer: CLAMP's, of course. Time: 21 minutes Challenge: Philosophy
Oh, I just loved this line: "She wasn't a weak woman. If she had been, she would have broken." And the last paragraph was a killer. Gave me a little twist in my heart....lovely
I really liked how you potrayed Yuuto - as enigmatic and powerful as she is, she did meet her match in Clow. I like how you potrayed her her weakness and how she hid her bitterness and loss, making her human. =)
The title gave me a start, because..well...it's so CCS, and that makes me feel nostalgic. Niiiice fic. What an intriguing concept wonderfully played out.
Comments 18
They're both such mysterious characters, and that gets through rather well.
And I loved this line: "You've shrunk since we last met."
XD That's just the kind of biting remark Yuuko would give.
Yuuko: "You still owe me that beer."
I really liked how you potrayed Yuuto - as enigmatic and powerful as she is, she did meet her match in Clow. I like how you potrayed her her weakness and how she hid her bitterness and loss, making her human. =)
I think she is human, but I always get the feeling she's ancient.
I miss CCS... but XXXholic strikes the same chords in me - there's a feeling on melancholy that I adore.
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