Jan 04, 2008 22:42
I am really glad I caucused. I enjoy seeing how things are done - but it was excruciating to my organizational side! They never told us to go stand in the area of the candidate we support!!! NEVER! Those of us who were new to the precinct figured it out when they started counting. I had to run over to the John Edwards area and tell the guy counting to add me. I also told him that they never told us to go to an area. He shouted "Edwards people over here!" and that was the entire instruction!! I think that the ppl running it are so used to doing it that they assume everyone else knows what to do too.
Very disappointing for me.
Also disappointing was that Edwards only got 1/5 of the votes in the room. :( I'm glad he did better over all.
I've heard that there is a media bias against Edwards and certainly the coverage after the caucuses seems to support that. They are all focused on Obama and Clinton.
Maybe they know something we don't know. I think I heard something about him not having much money left...
I hope he does better in New Hampshire.
If I was planning to stay in Iowa - I thin I'd try to be better prepared next election to lead/organize if needed.