Title: Of Waiting
quietlibanRating: G
Word Count: 100 words
Summary: Ginny is tired of waiting.
Author's Notes: When I asked for prompts
eska_rina gave me 'Uhm, HP: Ginny/Luna, sunshine :D.' This is what I came up with.
Of Waiting
Sunlight hits both pale and freckled legs. The two girls seem peaceful, the blonde with her back against the tree, and the redhead staring at the cloudless sky.
The redhead shifts, her gaze falls on the blonde who still reads her magazine. The redhead sighs. “Do you ever get tired, Luna?” she asks with her voice soft and sad.
The blonde stops reading and turns her large eyes to the redhead. She smiles serenely and reaches out with a hand. “Yes,” she says as her fingertips run through the red waves of the girl’s hair, “but I’m used to waiting.”