Title: 60 Seconds
faded_facadeRating: PG
Challenge: We are accidents waiting, waiting to happen from "There, There" by Radiohead
Summary: The longest 60 seconds of Elle's life.
A/N: Written for Challenge #18 at
sylelle_100. It's really quirky and probably comes off as a wannabe pretentious poem rather than a 100 word drabble. :|
Did the second hand start to move backwards? Frantic pacing, so much frantic pacing, there's a well worn path in the carpet.
One minute seems to take forever. Can't sit down, can't stand still, can't do anything but wait. Lots of toe tapping, finger drumming, accidental sparks shooting off.
There's frenzied thoughts going 100 miles a minute. "What if", "Nonononono", "There's just no way". Why is this taking so long? That second hand has to be going backwards.
Almost there. Don’t want to look.
The bell rings and the results are in.
Shit, shit, shit.