Title: Artwork for 'Agora' Author: excoyote aka brokenlittleboy Fandom: Supernatural RPF Characters/Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki Rating: PG-13, but shirtless boys after cuts could be considered NSFW XD
AHHHHHHHHHH You have outdone yourself! Your art is so beautiful and I can't believe you did more than one claim, that's so much work!! You're such a freaking boss, dude. I love it. I love the art so much that I want to print it out and cuddle it against my chest. I'll settle for hugging my computer :) Thank you so much, seriously, you're so kind and awesome to have taken the time out of your life to work with me. A billion thank yous. <3 <3 <3
Oh, you're so very welcome! I'm only sorry I couldn't make more art for your fic - I really did want to, but I just couldn't get it done in the allotted time. Seriously, your story has such wonderful imagery, I could have happily continued making art for it for several more months. Thank you for writing such a lovely story! <3
Comments 4
Thanks so much! I'm glad you like it! <3
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