Time-travel! The Wild West! WEREWOLVES! Leviathan! Leviathan-chomping werewolves! 19th-century Campbells! Gabriel! There's enough awesome here to keep me happy for a long, long time.
. . . but the best part was giant!badass!demonic!werewolf!Sam! Holy cow! I bet he was beautiful. And he passed on the chance of a cure in order to go home and kick some Leviathan ass? Oh, Sam! &hearts
the land of Big Mouths and Obama Care.
LOL, you! :D
Now, about this werewolf!Sam business. Is there going to be a sequel?
(Go ahead and DRAW giantwerewolf!Sammeh ... I dare ya ... )
LOL, don't tempt my Muse. ;)
However, if you write a sequel in which Sam wolfs out and whomps Dick's slimy Leviathan butt, I will draw you a ten-foot, black-eyed, badass Sammy!wolf.
However, if you write a sequel in which Sam wolfs out and whomps Dick's slimy Leviathan butt, I will draw you a ten-foot, black-eyed, badass Sammy!wolf.
. . . but the best part was giant!badass!demonic!werewolf!Sam! Holy cow! I bet he was beautiful. And he passed on the chance of a cure in order to go home and kick some Leviathan ass? Oh, Sam! &hearts
the land of Big Mouths and Obama Care.
LOL, you! :D
Now, about this werewolf!Sam business. Is there going to be a sequel?
There had BETTER be a sequel.
I'll write a sequel if some germ of a plot sneaks up on me ... you never know.
Thanks, bb! You're so full of awesome. (Go ahead and DRAW giantwerewolf!Sammeh ... I dare ya ... )
LOL, don't tempt my Muse. ;)
However, if you write a sequel in which Sam wolfs out and whomps Dick's slimy Leviathan butt, I will draw you a ten-foot, black-eyed, badass Sammy!wolf.
Drat, you! That's dirty pool! ;)
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