So tomorrow's the big ScoobyNatural!

Mar 28, 2018 15:09

AND I MAY BE TRAVELING. BLARG. I hope I'll catch it somehow before Sunday night, when I get home, because I think it'll be adorbs and a welcome respite from wankage! OR WILL IT BE?

As seen on tumblr and twitter; eye-rolling under the cut.

Spoilers for ScoobyNatural, sorta )

scoobynatural, spn, oh tumblr, s13, spn meta, spoilers

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Comments 9

mdlaw March 28 2018, 21:22:27 UTC

We were just talking the other day about the new Scooby being high schoolers, but in the original they were older.  Daphne, Fred, and Velma are definitely not in high school.  Plus, I always thought Shaggy was that older dude that always hung around.     m.       :)


gingersnap1224 March 29 2018, 01:23:02 UTC
Oh for crying out loud, can't we ever just have some fun? High school? I loved Scooby doo and never thought they were in high school.


roxymissrose March 29 2018, 01:49:26 UTC

I watched a few eps of the original back in the day and never once thought of them as teenagers! They had no parents! They drove around at night! They hung out with a pothead!'s just disguising hate as concern.


cassiopeia7 March 29 2018, 02:20:09 UTC

This! I also watched the original series as a child, and always viewed the Scooby Gang as adults. (Then again, I was still in single-digit years, and everyone taller than me was "grown-up.") I've seen complaints regarding Dean and Daphne's supposed age difference, and while I don't know when SPN fandom became The Oh-So-Easily-Offended Snowflake Fandom, but all the manufactured drama is tiring. Certain fans need to unclench ASAP.

Besides, even if Daphne was only 16 back in the day, she's a full-fledged cougar now. Consenting adults, baby! ;)

Safe travels, lady! ♥


emmatheslayer March 29 2018, 02:22:48 UTC
I didn't know they were in high school but my thing was I wanted Dean to go for Velma idk I figured it would be a Dean thing lol anyway I am excited for it I am trying to avoid hate I am having high hopes for it for sure


madebyme_x March 29 2018, 17:53:50 UTC

I had no idea that the gang were supposed to be in high school! I always thought they were in their early twenties. I mean c'mon peeps can't we just watch and enjoy something for once. I'm looking forward to it; it looks like it's going to be a hoot.


bradygirl_12 March 29 2018, 23:06:48 UTC
I mean c'mon peeps can't we just watch and enjoy something for once.

Surely you jest. Dontcha know that in the age we live in, EVERYTHING must be subject to outrage! *rolls eyes*


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