Sam ... times four?

Mar 06, 2017 23:06

The warm, wonderful foolscapper wrote a really interesting, really moving little fic that I had the great delight to do art for. (Ashlee, you're the best!) What if Dean had to deal with all the different pieces of Sam. What if? This fic is tenderly written, with a fantastic Dean and lots of tragic, complicated, adorable Sam. Highly recommend!


Wordcount: 8,000+
Rating: Teen to Mature
Pairings: N/A, Gen
Summary: For the Sam Winchester Big Bang on tumblr! "Bar fight. Don't tell Dean. I don't want to hear it. You just... You understand best. You get it best, y'know? You get me." Death brings Sam back - sort of. A domestic, curtain-fic sort of piece that explores different sections of what makes Sam Winchester. An alternative to S07E01, where raising our boy's soul doesn't go exactly to plan.

Warning for psychological issues, mental anguish, mentions of torture, and so on. Also has minor self-harm (unintentional harm).

The four faces of Sam, as Dean takes on sorting these guys out...

That's it! NOW GO READ THE FIC. :D

samwinchesterbigbang, sam winchester, foolscapper, masterart, sammybigbang

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