Forgive Me, Father...

Jan 26, 2015 13:56

The first of many Bangs revealing in the upcoming two weeks! This one is a Sam-centered mini-bang for the sammybigbang, 'Forgive Me Father, For I Have Sinned.'

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samwinchesterbigbang, sam winchester, masterart

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quickreaver January 27 2015, 03:48:56 UTC
You're so incredibly welcomed! It was my pleasure, truly. :D *smish!*


chomaisky January 27 2015, 09:07:32 UTC
Oh poor poor baby :((( I'm very concerned why his eyes are not open. Hope I'm just paranoid! Hurts so pretty.
Mine Sammy bang is still a "Dean bang," if I don't do something about it quick!
Yay your RBB coming up next week?


quickreaver January 27 2015, 17:22:40 UTC
Yep, it is! I'D BETTER GET CRACKIN'. (Thanks, bb!)


amberdreams January 27 2015, 16:12:59 UTC
Aw, I wanted moar!

Beautiful picture though, my dear. As always. Love the limited palette and the black space, very striking. It really isolates Sam.


quickreaver January 27 2015, 17:21:41 UTC
Funny thing is, Amb, there's not much more to depict! The fic is a succinct little character study of Sam, returning to the same church and eventually, asking for a confession. (Annnnnd I over-scheduled myself, per the usual...) But thanks, babe!


amberdreams January 27 2015, 22:27:21 UTC
ah but that means it is the perfect picture for the story!


madebyme_x January 27 2015, 18:50:29 UTC
Just stopping by fresh from reading the fic, and I just wanted to say that your art is beautiful.

You capture Sam's inner turmoil and hurt so perfectly. I love all the dark space surrounding Sam, it really isolates him, and I love the highlighting and the flecks of red colour in the light and shade.

Plus you totally nailed Sam's early season hair!! :)

Simply gorgeous! Thanks for sharing :)


equally_dour January 27 2015, 18:56:52 UTC
so beautiful!


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