Crumple-Horned Snorkacks (Fic):
• Anonymous at
femmefest wrote
Pansy Parkinson's Very Bold Move. When Pansy Parkinson has to interview Quidditch star Ginny Weasley, she finds herself thinking about Ginny with increasing regularity. (Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson, NC-17: BDSM)
alisanne wrote
Requited. "And you don’t know how you survived?" Poppy hummed. "Given how that horrid snake attacked you, and the injuries both you and Potter described, you should have died." (Severus Snape/Poppy Pomfrey, PG)
Blibbering Humdingers (Art):
• geekysoundcat drew
Out of Uniform (Draco, PG-13)
• Jellyfishbubblez drew
The Boy Who Lived (Harry, G)
• Skarlessa drew
Horcruxes (Harry, Tom Riddle, G)
• Ashirogi28 drew
Harry Potter (Harry, G)
• Clef-en-Or drew
Portrait of Albus Dumbledore (G)
• TylerHallstrom drew
Albus Dumbledore (G)
• lyn-chyan drew
Luna (G)
• koddy17love drew
Harry Potter (Trio, G)
• jofox2108 drew
Old Friends: Prof Sprout & Prof Grubbly-Plank (Sprout/Grubbly-Plank, G)
• Coze0x0 drew
Lily and Severus (G)
anemonen drew
Angelina (Angelina Johnson, G)
• Anonymous at
femmefest drew
I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive (Angelina Johnson/Katie Bell, G)
Thestrals (Challenges, Communities, and Discussion):
hp-mhealthfest posted a reminder that
submissions are due tomorrow.
hogwarts365 posted
next week's prompts.
• Today's featured community is
If you have a link for us, feel free to leave a comment to this post. (It will automatically be screened).