drive boy dog boy dirty numb angel boy

Feb 29, 2008 01:22

So everyone and their dog has already done this movie quote meme. And now I join their ranks! (Mainly cause I'm bitter everyone got to everyone else's before I could do the ones I knew! Dammit!)

15 Movie QuotesThe rules ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

quintessmiley February 29 2008, 15:39:26 UTC
If it makes you feel at all better, I don't think I've done this meme yet, either. I'm terrible at keeping up with memes. >.>

Okey-dokey, here we go:

1. A Clockwork Orange

4. Excalibur (yay!)

10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

12. Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope


quenya_tattoo February 29 2008, 15:56:54 UTC
Hee, Excalibur! I love that movie so much. It's so terrible and AWESOME.

But yes to all four! Our geekery is well matched~


risty77 February 29 2008, 15:44:54 UTC


quenya_tattoo February 29 2008, 15:57:33 UTC
Hell yes!

I love that line. I kept reading it over and over hearing him say it when I found it, cause I'd almost forgotten it. Oh Rents, you crack me up.


bluetara2020 February 29 2008, 17:20:41 UTC
14 is Sweeney Todd.


quenya_tattoo February 29 2008, 17:37:05 UTC
It is!


bluetara2020 February 29 2008, 17:39:45 UTC
I didn't even have to think about it and I have yet to see the movie.

Seen the musical a couple of times though...try a little priest...


quenya_tattoo February 29 2008, 17:46:04 UTC
I feel that!

That's my favorite song from the show, too, which is why I picked it :D


modcouture57 February 29 2008, 22:49:58 UTC
Pink floyd.... some... thing


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