Title - Someone to Watch Over Me - Prologue & Chapter 1/?
Author -
queerly_it_isPairing - Sam/Castiel
Rating - R-ish (this part, eventually NC-17)
Word Count - ~700 (this part)
Warnings - Religious themes/blasphemy, slight gore, innumerable spoilers for the whole show (this part and overall).
Disclaimer - I own nothing. Sadly.
Summary - Castiel has been assigned to watch over Dean Winchester from the time of his brith. He is expecting it to be challenging. He is not expecting the reaction he has to Dean's tainted brother, Samuel.
Authors Notes - Fill for an anon prompt on the Sassy comment fic meme (see previous journal entry). The muse kinda took the promt any ran off with it. There will be more, soon. There will also be art by the generous & talented
lifelesslyndsey ------------------------------------
In 1978; Mary Winchester stands with her husband John, in a half-completed nursery in Lawrence, Kansas; and tells her unborn child that angels are watching over him.
She is right.
She fails to realise, however, that the angels are not necessarily watching over her.
Her first child; a boy named Dean - after a female ancestor - is born on January 24th, 1979.
Heaven shifts on its axis; and Michael turns his gaze toward the Earth.
On May 2nd, 1983; when Dean is four-years-old; Mary gives birth to another boy named Samuel.
In the deepest cold of the darkest pit of the Ninth Circle of Hell; Lucifer paces in his Cage.
A relatively young and inexperienced angel called Castiel - angel of Thursday - is told he now has a purpose.
Part 1
On November 2nd, 1983; with a view that is somehow aerial, and yet pervades every inch and molecule of the Winchester household, Castiel notes the twisting, malevolent, inaudible sound of a demonic presence.
He pushes with his senses; and realises that Azazel has finally come for Samuel Winchester. He sees the oily-black demon - easily detected though the paper-thin shell of it’s mortal host - observe with cruel, yellow eyes, as blood dips into the boy’s mouth.
He feels the golden threads of fate twining and tangling together; as a debt is paid, and a new future is created. He understands the significance of this moment; how it will influence everything that follows.
He cannot interfere.
He observes - as is his duty - as John Winchester fails to save his wife from the flames that engulf the ceiling of the nursery. He sees Samuel - Sammy - appearing so small and fragile and tainted now, as he is passed into the thin arms of his brother. He watches Dean run from the house, his father’s shouts echoing behind him.
Castiel watches - unseen, and incorporeal - as Dean Winchester stands outside the burning shell of his family home. In his arms, Samuel is silent.
The Winchester’s life is dramatically different, after that.
Castiel can sense the hot, biting note of Wrath that consumes John Winchester in his quest to kill the demon that killed his wife. Wrath; Castiel is very much aware; is more than a mortal sin warned of on thin paper in old books. It’s influence twists through John Winchester like thorny vines around a tree; choking and constricting.
Castiel hears the agonised screams, and enraged bellowing of the denizens of the Fifth Circle whenever the grieving man lifts a weapon, and contemplates using it. He thinks of the Fallen that guard the walls of Dis; and doesn’t know how to feel.
He cannot interfere.
He watches as the Wrath of John Winchester cuts a vengeful swath through spirits; poltergeists, shape-shifters, vampires, werewolves, and countless other descendants of Purgatory; as his children are carried in his wake like fallen fruit in the current of a stream.
He watches Dean watch his father; tries to see - through the boy’s eyes - the honourable and powerful man that Dean tries so very hard to emulate. He can’t. Such human perceptions are beyond Castiel; and Dean Winchester is not his to understand; merely to guard and oversee, until the proper moment.
He sees the soldier’s obedience and absolute faith in his father; as it takes root inside of Dean; and cannot help but think of Michael. He sees the budding impetuousness and self-righteousness in Samuel; and tries not to think of Lucifer.
He often finds himself observing Samuel Winchester with something akin to fascination. Castiel can feel the perversion bestowed upon the boy by Azazel; as it wraps around his soul and warps his mind. Many of his brothers refer to Samuel as an abomination. Castiel cannot help but think of him as a victim.
The sons of John Winchester; so like Cain and Abel, and yet not; are raised in a life befitting soldiers. They are children, but have no youth. They are ordained, but have no faith.
He cannot interfere.
Chapter 2