March Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, at Two Houses

Mar 15, 2017 22:53

It's time again for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day! I haven't participated for nearly a full year . . . the last time I managed a Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day post was in April 2016. After that, posting about the beautiful new boyfriend I acquired early that April took precedence over posting about the plants I was acquiring. But the plants have also ( Read more... )

native plants, photographs, barry

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Comments 7

fflo March 16 2017, 14:29:58 UTC
The garden/plant/flower shots are lovely, and I dig Barry's house/roof, but that last pic is my fave. :)


maju01 March 16 2017, 16:08:39 UTC
I'm very impressed with Barry's solar panels, and of course with all of your amazing gardening efforts.


bitterlawngnome March 17 2017, 16:50:05 UTC
Those Narcissus look like 'Ice Follies'. Grandma planted a ton of those in the garden in Seattle. They are just blooming now.

California poppies. They grow like weeds everywhere around here. I _cannot_ keep them alive in the garden.


queerbychoice March 20 2017, 15:52:30 UTC
Ice Follies! I'm always glad to learn the cultivar names of the plants that came with the house. Thank you!

California poppies grow like weeds in California, so it's hard for me to imagine them worth the effort of keeping alive if you actually have to work at it. But to the extent that they can be killed here, my experience has been that too much water is usually what kills them.


ravengirl March 22 2017, 02:13:31 UTC
Wow! What a lot of wonderful work! And I love the last pic. :) Cloggy-Skirty-Fun!


anonymous March 22 2017, 18:46:17 UTC
I love to learn new things from GBBD postings. Mostly I learn by paying attention to the pictures and comparing with things I've known but it's
stimulating to have direct instruction and to have the extended family trees of different plants. With so many California endemics I get to see plants
I've never seen in reality in the Eastern Middle West.

I was especially glad to see miner's lettuce--I hope to grow some. I enjoy the shadows on the enlarged photo of California cream cups, look forward to
seeing Confederate violet in my own yard in April, and remember seeing the only living specimens of Clarkia I've ever seen in Butchart Gardens in BC
over 30 years ago.

Chris Nicholson


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