Dec 28, 2005 11:38
So what is everyone up to for new years eve?
Dec 27, 2005 23:39
I was wondering if anyone was going to the wake afterwork and is from the Boston area. I am in Woburn. Willing to meet there and car pool up, or vis versa. Let me know. I get out at 5pm. Willing to get out early. Talking to Boss Wednesday to give him a time. Let me know. :-)
Dec 27, 2005 23:37
Arisia Convention SCI-FI
Who is going. I was thinking of going Saturday night or Sunday. I was wondering if anyone would like to go with me. Let me know :-)
Dec 23, 2005 09:01
Ok, this is wrong. Most people know the song YMCA. Well they are planning now on 103.3 SANTA then YMCA. And its the village people. Scary
Dec 21, 2005 21:47
I got a weird question to all who have my LJ. do you read my lj or not. I just feel I don't have many who read it or care to. If not, its ok, I can delete you from my LJ. No hard feelings.
Dec 21, 2005 21:24
I just want to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a happy new year 2006.
Christine :-)
Dec 12, 2005 23:50
Well, my thoughts for today. Did you every had a fairy tale that you loved then realized that you need or would love to have it happen in your life now. After tonight. I feel, I need my fairy Tale to come true. Just hope it will come and be there when I am ready.
Dec 09, 2005 14:02
ok, i know today is a snow rain day. but why are we having a lightning storm on top of it. damn weather.
Dec 08, 2005 23:30
I put a new pic up. My favorite character from lord of the rings. I thought it perfect for my life now. New Journey is what I call this picture. That is what I want to do next year. I want to get starting on a new journey in life. I don't know what it is, but I am wanting to find it now.