Friends only

Oct 03, 2016 13:51

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friends only

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Comments 16

ellipsisms October 3 2016, 14:05:38 UTC
I'm that random creeper on your FB status about LJ who is friends with aweeghost and I got a notification that you posted on that status, so I came here to check it out. (Not a creeper lol!) I think we might get along - friends? :D


queenofpeace October 3 2016, 17:29:53 UTC
oooh yay, more friends! Nice to meet you! Of course. :) I had a journal for years but hadn't updated since 2013, so felt it was time for a new one. :D aweeghost is the best, so I trust her taste in friends. xxx


queenofpeace October 3 2016, 17:30:36 UTC
Also just spotted you're a Slytherin! So am I! Slytherin power! xx


actorcracked October 4 2016, 05:18:50 UTC
Hi there. I wondered if you'd like to add me?


queenofpeace October 4 2016, 13:56:21 UTC
Hiya! Absolutely! I love your description of yourself and I'm sure we'd get along. :) This is a brand new journal, so there's no content yet, but some shall follow! :)


meri_sielu October 13 2016, 19:26:21 UTC
Hello! I popped by because you are LJ friends with my best IRL friend kiiabby and my other good friend aweeghost who has said lovely things about you. I'm semi active, trying to be more so... feel free to add me if you like! :)


queenofpeace October 13 2016, 20:14:53 UTC
Sure thing! You're clearly a Florence & the Machine fan, so I need no more information haha. Added! Xxx


meri_sielu October 16 2016, 13:31:36 UTC
Oh yes she's my queen! I saw her live last year and it was phenomenal <3


queenofpeace October 16 2016, 16:21:02 UTC
Aaah me too! She was incredible! Xxx


titckingtymbomb October 14 2016, 08:04:22 UTC

Hey wondered if we could be friends?


queenofpeace October 14 2016, 09:20:10 UTC
Of course!


bluemermaid February 24 2017, 15:59:53 UTC
Hiiiii so every time I see you around HiH you seem like such a great person and also you're like a flyingharmony twin and she's the greatest person alive and also my bff for life soooooo clearly we should be friends, yes?

(No hard feelings if you aren't feeling it lol)


queenofpeace February 24 2017, 16:06:52 UTC
I was so thinking that I wanted to add you but I hadn't got around to it yet. Yes, of course. You seem excellent and I think we have a lot of common fandom interests and such-like things. I am totally like flyingharmony and I love how everyone just knows this now. :P x


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