moving to dreamwidth: a guide

Jan 17, 2012 18:45

Hello there, QoH! We were going to wait to make this post, but thought we'd go ahead and do it now.

As you all should be aware, Queen of Hearts is moving to Dreamwidth on January 22nd. We're already directing anyone who intends to reserve or apply to the game to the Dreamwidth versions of our reserves and application pages, respectively. Originally, we had intended to close applications for a short time, but we've found it easier to simply redirect people to the DW applications page, with the understanding that the game won't be open on DW until this coming Sunday.

That said, if you're already in the game, there are a few steps to follow before the move:

  • If you haven't already done so, create a journal for your character on Dreamwidth. At this time, account creation is still open and does not require an invite code; we already have plans in place for the future when invite codes are required again.
  • Comment on the appropriate section of the taken characters list - as before, the list is organized by canon. Doing this will count as your character's activity for the month of January. We're giving everyone until February 8th at 11:59 PM Eastern time (GMT/UTC -5), the end of our normal activity period, to comment to the taken list. Those who don't do so by that time will have the normal 24-hour grace period in which to do so; after that, they will be considered dropped from the game. (Don't worry, we'll have periodic reminders between now and then so you don't forget.)
  • A mod will create a tag for your character in the format character name | username for both the main and logs communities. All character tags will follow this format going forward and all character tags will be mod-created. If the mods don't create a tag for you within 48 hours of your comment on the taken page, let us know and we'll do so ASAP.
  • Join the usual comms with your character journal - queenofheartsrp, queenoflogs, queenofooc, and, optionally, queenofwhat. Please do not try to join sisfist - that's our mod comm where we keep all the secret plot stuff, and trying to join it will just get you rejected. (You can watch it if you really want to, but nothing will ever be public there except the game info pages.)
  • Comment on the player contact list. Please don't forget to do this, as we're redoing it from scratch - a lot of people were missing from the old version and a lot of info there is outdated.

At this time, if you are choosing to post new entries or logs on Dreamwidth, these should also be crossposted to LiveJournal. (However, entries originally posted to LiveJournal do not need to be crossposted to Dreamwidth if you don't want to - they'll be moved when we import the comms.) All new game content should be posted exclusively on Dreamwidth beginning midnight Eastern time (GMT/UTC -5) on January 22nd.

As a related note, we will be importing the communities from LiveJournal to Dreamwidth beginning at 11:59 PM Eastern time (GMT/UTC -5) on January 21st. No posting or commenting should occur on LiveJournal after this point. Any additional posts or comments after this time will mean we'll have to go back and run the import all over again to pick up new content. We don't expect the import to take very long, most likely only a few hours given the communities are relatively small, and we will let everyone know when it has completed so that you can pick up old threads from LJ where you left off if you like.

We'll also be going through and retagging old entries according to the new tag system after the import has completed. This will probably take some time, but you should expect to be able to find your character's entries, comment threads and logs listed all under their new tag in the fairly near future. As a side effect of the import process, Dreamwidth automatically creates an OpenID account with your character's old LiveJournal username, which you can log into if you wish (see the Dreamwidth FAQ for more info) to edit old content. Dreamwidth is working on a feature to allow you to "claim" these OpenID accounts, which will make all content posted under them appear to have been posted by the Dreamwidth username of your choice (so people would be able to attach their old LJ posts and comments to their character's DW username), but this feature isn't yet available and we don't know when it will be.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please let us know. We'll do everything in our power to make this as smooth a transition as possible for everyone involved.

EDIT: Also, for those of you expecting the CR meme this month - we've moved it up to February so that as many people as possible can participate. This will mean the HMD will occur in March, then the CR meme again in April, and so on.


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