Boys and Girls of Every Age

Oct 30, 2011 16:25

Characters: namedforthesky and anyone who attends
Date: October 31
Summary: Sora's throwing a Halloween party and everyone is invited!
Warnings: None as of yet!

Wouldn't you like to see something strange )

ukraine, england, amamiya sakurako, nue houjuu, *open, kazumi hagino, mami tomoe, sora, xion, america, hikari horaki, kyoko sakura, subaru nakajima, austria, minerva mcgonagall, madoka kaname

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Comments 543

headedforhope October 31 2011, 18:06:55 UTC
Dressed in a long black gown and a stylish crooked hat of the same color, Mami has obviously decided to come as a "witch", albeit one sans broomstick.....and yeah, she's aware of her costume's unfortunate implications. But it really does look quite fetching on her, and who says that self-deprecation gallows humor fashion isn't a legitimate way to cope with one's fears? Better to go to a silly party dressed like this than stay behind, alone, in her apartment and only dwell on sad things.

She examines the grotesque cuisine, glancing around to make sure no one's watching before sampling a candied eyeball....


highest_caliber November 3 2011, 02:17:55 UTC
Subaru would not miss a party! Not when it meant more chances to be meet people. It helped to keep her from going just a bit stir-crazy in this place.

Once Mami has the eyeball in mouth, she pipes up, having found herself right up near her. "How is it?" Ever curious, she looks to the table. Food is food, but the decorative snacks were a cute touch, she thought.


headedforhope November 4 2011, 23:09:04 UTC
She swallows the eyeball without chewing, and that's the only sign of her surprise at Subaru's sudden presence. A lingering pause, and then Mami glances over at Subaru.

"Mm? Ah, tastes pretty sweet. I suppose it's a type of candy."


highest_caliber November 5 2011, 00:45:29 UTC
"Good! I would have turned right around if they were real." There's a bit of teasing there because she knew they would be candy in all likelihood, but she's glad to hear they're tasty all the same. "This is the second party since I arrived. Does stuff like this happen all the time?"


fatedmagia October 31 2011, 23:03:27 UTC
Madoka, though often being scared of them herself, was dressed as a ghost. It was a simple outfit; the sheet covering her with slightly awkward, but carefully cut holes. Currently, she looking over the party, not sure where to start with it first.

If anyone she knew was here, certainly, she'd like to talk with them, and spend time with them here.


mnementomori November 3 2011, 09:06:49 UTC
The sheet catches her attention; she doesn't really have the traditional image of a "ghost" anywhere among her knowledge, so she can't quite puzzle out what Madoka is trying to be. She only decided on the Little Red Riding Hood costume for herself after reading a book in the library. She needed something that would still hide her face like her cloak did, after all.

"So...what's your costume?"


fatedmagia November 3 2011, 22:44:55 UTC
Madoka giggles somewhat nervously at that. "Ahah... It probably is a little hard to tell with this costume. I'm a ghost. But, your costume is really cute!"


mnementomori November 4 2011, 08:37:11 UTC
"Oh! I didn't know. I've never seen a ghost."

Technically, she has, but she was never told it was one.

"C-cute, oh...thank you! I'm Xion. Are you friends with Sora?"


magicalvellian November 1 2011, 00:20:14 UTC
With a long white, sparkling gown on, and crystal snow flakes in her hair, Oriko made quite a good Snow Queen. She stands to one side of the buffet, looking over the other guests and laughing gently to herself.

"What a festive party."


cagemyhappiness November 1 2011, 03:04:14 UTC
Don't mind Eleanor accidentally tripping on that long, pretty princess dress of yours on her way to aforementioned buffet, falling flat on her tiny child face.


magicalvellian November 1 2011, 04:16:09 UTC
Well, that's no good. She bends down and offers a hand to the girl.

"Are you alright?"


cagemyhappiness November 1 2011, 16:25:12 UTC
She slowly gets up and stares at Oriko like she was a bug - disinterest coupled with a faint disgust. Very deliberately ignores the hand!

"I suppose you think those rags make you look pretty."

What a mouth for a ten year old.....


dewy_sunflowers November 1 2011, 04:33:10 UTC
Ukraine will show, as per insistance from several of the people she knew. Adjusting her hat she felt more than a little awkward in the very short witch costume. But the party seemed to be well underway, she doubted very much that she looked scary if anything she probably looked cute.


peachhat November 3 2011, 20:42:26 UTC
"Oh, I spot a witch." Someone wearing a rather silly, yet still witch-like outfit said from behind.

"You don't happen to be a proper one?"


dewy_sunflowers November 4 2011, 17:40:36 UTC
Ukraine will jump and turn around, giving her a small but friendly smile. "Oh.. no, I em not but I heff met people who say they are."


peachhat November 4 2011, 20:16:43 UTC
"...Such a shame." Tenshi said, and her shoulder sagged slightly. "...You don't happen to be some sort of magician, fighter, or the like?"


teaandpigtails November 1 2011, 05:55:22 UTC
England loved holidays, and Halloween was one of her favorites. She had planned on dressing as a snake charmer for that evening's party, complete with magically-created snakes to scare people (specifically America), but she changed her mind at the last minute for unknown reasons. That didn't matter, though; she'd still be able to scare the skirt off of her precious idiotic sister with this new costume. She arrived with her housemate in high spirits ( ... )


beerjugs November 5 2011, 04:02:47 UTC
The music worked well to mask the sound of Prussia's advancing footsteps, up until she was a short distance away from her target. Luck would have it that neither had their drinks in hand at the moment as the white haired one reached forward to give England a playful shove to the shoulder.

"Someone's having fun tonight," her hair bounced on her shoulders with her movement--curled and styled for once.


teaandpigtails November 5 2011, 05:17:56 UTC
England stumbled forward just a bit from surprise, but was able to catch herself. She knew who was behind her immediately; only a few people approached her here. Thank goodness for Prussia, or she would have been terribly lonely (she rarely saw America or France, even). She spun around with a playful smirk on her face, but her jaw dropped upon seeing the albino-colored country.

Prussia was wearing a dress, and looking... well, like a girl. England brought her hands to her lips, trying to hide her smile. How cute Prussia looked! Such a tomboy entering a Halloween party dressed up more prettily than she. England marveled at the thought.

"It looks as though you learned how to make a dress!"


beerjugs November 5 2011, 05:25:06 UTC
She had been copying what she saw the others wearing endlessly, but Prussia was not about to admit that. The skirt ended scandalously at her knees, and there were enough ruffles to clothe a nursery, but at least she didn't look out of place.

"Not much of a feat after learning to make guns," she was about to run her fingers through her hair--until she remembered the painstakingly curled locks, and refrained from doing so. She had also gotten used to the more festive events of the Gardens, the familiar faces, and the abundance of food, but this must have been England's first time.

"You look just as home in a place like this," but this time her tone was entirely gentle, if mildly teasing, rather than stating it as a fact, "So, are you having a good time?"


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