one. [video/action]

Dec 08, 2010 19:16

[ Apparently, Revan has just finished changing out of the white shift she arrived in; she's found her Jedi robes, and the video feed catches her fastening her belt and checking the various attached pouches, then pinning her hair up out of her face. The flash of the mirror seems to catch her eye, though, and she looks up, blinking at it. ]Well, this ( Read more... )

ahsoka tano, anna lin, revan (star wars), winry rockbell, utsuho reiuji, teresa (claymore), yukari yakumo, nausicaä, the phoenix

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Comments 60

[video] bugcharmer December 9 2010, 00:17:28 UTC
It is, actually. You'll find that there are quite a lot of us in the same situation as you.


[video] memoireperdue December 9 2010, 00:23:55 UTC
[ She's taken aback for a second when Nausicaä appears in the mirror, but the surprise vanishes relatively quickly. ]

I'm not sure whether to think that's a good thing or a bad thing. [ The corner of her mouth twitches in a faintly rueful little smile, and she holds up the scroll the cat brought her when she arrived. ]

This 'Queen of Hearts' - has anyone seen her?


[video] bugcharmer December 9 2010, 00:26:55 UTC
Not in person, but she has spoken to us. There are one or two others who help her run the "Garden", I believe. That's as much as I know, I'm afraid. We don't have a lot of information to work with.

[She frowns slightly.]

We're apparently trapped here. So far, we haven't been able to find a way home.

[And then she's smiling again.]

My name is Nausicaä. I'm sorry the situation isn't any better, but welcome. At least we're not completely alone.


[video] memoireperdue December 9 2010, 14:11:00 UTC
[ Revan listens quietly, her full focus on what Nausicaä is saying. Her lips press together into a thin line when the girl mentions being trapped - she has never liked being planet-bound for too long - but she nods. ]

That's very helpful. Thank you.

[ She smiles again herself in response. ]

It's nice to meet you, Nausicaä. You can call me Revan. [ She's a war hero and a Jedi, among various other things - if Nausicaä hasn't recognized her yet, she's fairly sure she won't recognize her once she gives her name, so she doesn't hesitate over it. ]


[video] thewisechoice December 9 2010, 00:49:59 UTC
Everyone can see you and hear you.


[video] memoireperdue December 9 2010, 01:33:56 UTC
I'll remember that for the future, then. Thank you.

[ She pauses, and then smiles just a little, giving a brief, soundless little snort of laughter, more a sharp exhalation than anything. ]

Plants that make mirrors for communication. [ She says it slowly, like she's trying out the concept in her own mind. ] That's new.


[video] thewisechoice December 10 2010, 03:32:24 UTC
[Teresa isn't quite smiling yet, but she's close. A little tug of her mouth.]

Is it? There are so many new things here. I can't always keep track.


[video] memoireperdue December 10 2010, 03:39:49 UTC
Well, I can't say it's the strangest thing I've ever seen. But it is something I haven't seen before.

So how many other people have been 'invited' here?

[ When she says 'invited' she means 'kidnapped.' Revan knows she was brought here against her own will, after all, so she's assuming the same for everyone else in this place. ]


VIDEO shien_reverse December 9 2010, 01:13:32 UTC
[Ahsoka appears in the mirror, not quite composed, but attempting to do that Jedi Calm Demeanor thing.]

It is a communication device. It's some kind of massive biological network. It's spread all over this place. Which… is… [Shrug.] Well, they call it the Garden. The women who run it. I don't know much more than that, wish I did, ah, Master? [She tries. She's not sure, but the robes, the belt, Dantooine?]


VIDEO memoireperdue December 9 2010, 01:43:44 UTC
[ Revan doesn't exactly do very well at calm and serene most of the time, either (but then, look at the kind of people she keeps as friends). And so her answering smile might be a little warmer than it strictly should be. ]

Women. Is everyone female here?

[ And then Ahsoka calls her Master and she has to stifle a broader smile. ]

I'm not a Master. Just a Knight.

[ Her curiosity is starting to grow, though, because she's wondering why this girl doesn't recognize her if she's a Jedi. ]


VIDEO shien_reverse December 9 2010, 02:03:34 UTC
It seems like it's all women. No other particularly unifying factors, aside from that.

[She inclines her head slightly, meaning to bring the Padawan braid that she wears between her lekku into view. Although it's a metal chain, instead of hair. She smiles, and there's humor in her voice.] Everyone's a Master to me, pretty much.


VIDEO memoireperdue December 9 2010, 04:16:41 UTC
[ That makes her expression go thoughtful for a moment. Why would it only be women? But she shakes off the thought, turning her attention back to Ahsoka as she continues speaking. The braid is noted; Revan nods a little. She was there, once, even if she doesn't remember being a Padawan - well, really being one, not counting the training she had on Dantooine before the search for the Star Forge. Her memory of being a Jedi before is still very spotty. ]

What's your name, Padawan? [ There's good humor in her tone. And having something familiar in a strange place like this is nice. ]


video endthiscycle December 9 2010, 02:07:42 UTC


video memoireperdue December 9 2010, 02:43:08 UTC
[ She blinks, caught off guard - how do you not know Dantooine? But Revan is starting to realize that something is off about this situation, and she tamps down her incredulity. ]

It's a planet on the Outer Rim. Looks sort of like this - all grasslands and streams. There's a Jedi Enclave there.


video 1/3 endthiscycle December 9 2010, 02:46:13 UTC
[And most of the other stuff she mentioned completely goes over Winry's head too but she seems absolutely fascinated.]

Wait you mean [give her a second. She may be a scientist but considering they don't even have airplanes in her world this is a little hard to wrap her mind around]


video 2/3 endthiscycle December 9 2010, 02:47:30 UTC
Wait. Wait. [She is having such a brainfart moment right now it's like a seizure]


[video] whoops mnementomori December 9 2010, 03:00:39 UTC
The cats can show you things. The rabbits...are just trouble.

[the hooded girl sounds a tiny bit indignant.]


[video] /saw nothing XD memoireperdue December 9 2010, 03:34:24 UTC
[ Revan's brows arch slightly, and she smiles a little, faintly amused. ]

I noticed that. Do they eat clothing on a regular basis?


[video] mnementomori December 9 2010, 03:35:46 UTC
They ate my boots. [sob.] I guess so. Clothes can't taste very good...


[video] memoireperdue December 9 2010, 03:42:24 UTC
Aren't rabbits supposed to eat carrots?

[ She feels a tugging down by her feet and glances in that direction - yeah, there's the rabbit again, gnawing into the fabric of her cloak. With a sigh, she picks it up. It's a tiny, ridiculously cute black and white animal. ]

Clothes are not for eating. [ She's talking to the rabbit in her best faux-stern tone, but it doesn't exactly work. The bunny squirms in her arms and nestles against her chest... and then it starts nomming her tunic.

Laughing, softly and a little helplessly, she disengages the rabbit from her clothes and puts it back down in the grass. ] Go on. Shoo.

[ With a little shake of her head, addressing Xion again, ] I see what you mean.


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