☲ VIII ☰

Aug 28, 2011 19:54

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[ Waking up in the Gardens was, for Azula, like waking up from a long, dreamless sleep. No time has passed in her home world, so aside from some a bit of grogginess and a slight headache one would have from sleeping far too long, it is as though no time has passed for her ( Read more... )

*video, kuja (final fantasy ix), utena tenjou, azula (avatar: the last airbender), lucy heartphilia, *vine

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Comments 90

[action] scarletcamellia August 29 2011, 00:17:03 UTC
[Meanwhile a miko in orange lurks behind the statue.]

Oh, you're a princess?


[action] burns_things August 29 2011, 00:20:06 UTC
[ Oh, she knows you are there, Tsubaki. How? She is AZULA THAT'S HOW. Regardless, she does not turn when she replies. Such polite treatment is not for commoners. ]

Yes, I am. A very good one, if I do say so.


[action] scarletcamellia August 29 2011, 00:27:16 UTC
Oh, do you take action for your...kingdom?

If I'm not mistaken, the common image with royalty is sitting on one's behind on a throne all day.


[action] burns_things August 29 2011, 00:30:33 UTC

[ She leans back against the statue and folds her arms. ]

Even among royalty, I'm anything but common. The royalty of the Fire Nation are not weak bureaucrats. We're as much our nation's greatest warriors as we are its rulers.

After all, sometimes to make sure things are done right, one has to do it herself.


[video] hopelessdreamer August 29 2011, 03:37:45 UTC
[well. Haughty princess. She's got experience with royalty like this.]

Pleasure to meet you, your Highness. I wish I could give you some good news, but that seems to be in short supply at the moment.


[video] burns_things August 29 2011, 14:21:30 UTC
Not surprising at all. One would think six months would be enough time for someone to accomplish something.


[video] hopelessdreamer August 29 2011, 18:01:40 UTC
To be honest I'm still in the stage where I'm not entirely convinced this is real, but I'd have to agree with you there.

What I can tell you is that there was a bad storm recently, which is why everything looks like it's falling apart.


[video] burns_things August 29 2011, 18:08:11 UTC
I would be lying if I said I'm disappointed for missing that. Is that the worst that has happened as of late? A storm?


video; ofnobility August 29 2011, 03:53:52 UTC
A real princess? [Utena sounds quizzical.]

The Queen's nuts, same as always.


[video] burns_things August 29 2011, 14:20:13 UTC
Six months pass and aside from a change of scenery here or there, the status quo is still just that? Not surprising, but still disappointing.

--But, yes, I am a genuine, true princess, regardless of whether or not you believe.


[video] ofnobility August 30 2011, 03:46:15 UTC
I didn't say I didn't believe you. [a lazy shrug.] But y'know, anyone can go around and call themselves a princess just to get people to listen to what they say. If you want people to respect you, you should try something else.


[video] burns_things August 30 2011, 13:05:11 UTC
Ha. Don't think of me as royalty that sits in a high tower, sheltered from the real world. There are reasons why I am respected in my nation aside from my blood.

Of course, actions speak louder than words. What do you like to see in a princess?


[video] existwithoutme August 29 2011, 07:50:10 UTC
[Princess? That catches Kuja's attention, if not in a wholly positive way. Compared to the princess she knows (knew), this one seems lacking, nothing like her little canary.]

And what a haughty little creature you are. I don't doubt that you're royalty, as you're given to the usual unnecessary announcements.

As your title is meaningless here, why should anyone give you any additional, undeserved respect? Based on your mere word?


[video] burns_things August 29 2011, 14:25:47 UTC
Ha, cute. Well, I am bored, so:

Whether or not I have any authority here is irrelevant, as simply being born with such status should warrant a certain level of extra politeness from others. Whether or not anyone believes my word is nothing I can control, but I would hope most would give the benefit of the doubt--after all, what point is there in claiming such things in a world where that title, as you said, is meaningless?

Besides, I will prove myself if necessary.


[video] existwithoutme August 29 2011, 16:13:50 UTC
No, I fail to see why you should be treated more politely than anyone else, no matter whether your words are true. The reason people give royalty respect is that very authority. Do you think a being of a certain human bloodline gives you a greater innate worth? How amusing.

The point of claiming such a thing is exactly what you've said and exactly why you've told everyone. People are fools, and some will see it as a reason to treat you more respectfully.

You can't believe everyone here is honest about themselves.


[video] burns_things August 29 2011, 16:29:57 UTC
Go right ahead and be rude. I certainly have no obligation or interest in forcing you to behave.


Action a_good_daughter August 30 2011, 18:53:40 UTC
[On her own recognizance following the storm, Kadaj has been lurking, taking her measure of the Garden and it's inhabitants. For the most part she has remained unimpressed and annoyed. Business as usual.

She chooses to coalesce before Azula, her shadows gathering near the entrance to the Pagoda.

So you have left this place, only to return? Or have you only been sleeping?


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