Aug 13, 2011 11:28


[While others in this place are having symbolic, or violent, or romantic, or just generally odd dreams, Souji's generally clear subconscious has fallen back on an old recurring dream, which she occasionally wanders in and out of into others' dreams. Innate wanderlust and all that.]

[While she's here, though, she appears to be wearing a Luchador mask and fighting, rather playfully, with a wiry girl in green who was in the Gardens for a few weeks. The arena is odd and vague, almost foggy, but through the flashy poses and taunts - spoken in Spanish-sounding gibberish - it's a pretty fun show. For example, in real life, Souji could never German suplex Chie, but in this dream, it happens every time.]

[Souji has weird-ass recurring dreams, okay?]

souji seta, homura akemi

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