[one; video]

Jul 06, 2011 15:32

[Spock has not yet changed out of the shift and is holding her uniform as she addresses the plant. Her first priority is contacting the Enterprise; rectifying her inappropriate state of attire will have to wait.]

Spock to Enterprise, Spock to Enterprise. Please come in.

[When there is no answer, she changes her tactics.]This is Commander Spock ( Read more... )

sephiroth (final fantasy vii), terezi pyrope

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Comments 32

alchemistsquery July 6 2011, 20:39:58 UTC
Greetings, Commander Spock. I am Alfimi. I have not been able to reach the Queen of Hearts. I do not know where she is.


compute_pi July 6 2011, 20:50:01 UTC
Greetings, Alfimi. This does not appear to be the planet Arleos IV, which I intended to visit. Do you know my current location?


alchemistsquery July 6 2011, 22:50:49 UTC
This place is called The Gardens. I am afraid you may be trapped here.


compute_pi July 7 2011, 00:44:03 UTC
Indeed... Are you also imprisoned in these "Gardens?"


[video] no_hometown July 7 2011, 01:34:26 UTC
Commander Spock. [She nods polite acknowledgment.] This is Commander Sephiroth, of SOLDIER. The Queen rarely addresses residents of the Gardens directly, but perhaps I may be of assistance. I am willing to answer any questions you might have.

I believe your captain may be here as well, a Captain Kirk? [She was interested in the starship, and she remembers the name well, though she knows that the same name does not necessarily mean the ship is the same, not where this place is concerned.] I spoke to her previously.


[video] compute_pi July 7 2011, 20:58:32 UTC
Greetings, Commander Sephiroth. I am grateful for your assistance. Could you perhaps clarify where precisely I am and for what purpose I have been brought here? [The scroll she received from the cat indicated that she was brought here at the behest of the Queen of Hearts, but it was far from explicative.

One eyebrow arches at the mention of her Captain.] Indeed. I was under the impression that Captain Kirk was still aboard the Enterprise.


[video] no_hometown July 7 2011, 22:07:00 UTC
I'm afraid I must inform you that you've been abducted by an unknown entity--which refers to itself as the Queen of Hearts, but her nature and origins are indeterminate. This place, known only as the Gardens, is a closed, artificial environment. It changes from day to day and can even be shaped by thought under certain circumstances. There is no escape in any direction, and there are barriers above and below.

The Queen has brought a number of people here, all women, from different times, universes, and realities. She claims to wish us to form interpersonal bonds, as well as to build, but the motivation behind her objectives is unclear.

Your captain may be on board your vessel in your timeline, but she might have been brought here from any time period, or even an alternate version of your reality.


[video] compute_pi July 10 2011, 19:37:05 UTC
Indeed... [Spock is not unfamiliar with the concept of alternate realities, but the news is quite troubling.] A being capable of manipulating time and space in such a manner is no doubt exceedingly powerful.

Are you aware of how long this artificial environment has existed and how long the Queen of Hearts has been bringing people to it? Does she have any particular method of encouraging interpersonal bonds, or are we simply informed of this goal and left to our own devices?


[video] alwaysricochets July 7 2011, 03:29:53 UTC
[When Rico sees the mirror, she has to mutter to herself, rubbing at her temples.] Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Is Scotty going to show up next? [And then, because why the fuck not, she shows the Vulcan Salute to the mirror.] Welcome to the Garden.


[video] compute_pi July 7 2011, 21:02:03 UTC
[Spock arches a slightly inquisitive eyebrow at the Vulcan salute and returns it.] Thank you. You appear to be familiar with both myself and the Enterprise crew.


video; notthatchair July 7 2011, 20:28:28 UTC
Oh, you've gotta be shitting me.


[video forever] compute_pi July 7 2011, 20:52:27 UTC
Captain? This does not appear to be Arleos IV.


omgscalemates July 8 2011, 17:11:52 UTC
You're talking to everyone else! Not the Queen.


compute_pi July 10 2011, 19:25:44 UTC
Indeed... Has anyone actually spoken with the Queen?


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