1st ❄ [video]

May 02, 2011 12:56

[The mirror shows what should be a familiar sight by now--a young woman in a white arrival's dress. Except...this one has the wide slit-pupiled eyes and animate ears of...a cat. The gaze she examines the mirror with is intelligent and curious, and she sits back after a moment. Her face sets with determination, the voice issuing from her clear and ( Read more... )

cynthia (claymore), claire bennett, caprica-six, reno (final fantasy vii), *vine, venom (guilty gear), kanaya maryam, santana lopez, *video, minako arisato

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Comments 127

[video] tasercopter May 2 2011, 17:29:53 UTC
What the hell are you? [She doesn't like the looks of those green cat eyes, and so she doesn't pay much attention to what the young woman is saying.]

Some kinda cat monster?


[video] persical May 2 2011, 17:44:08 UTC
[she starts. Of all the replies she was expecting, this wasn't one of them.]


I'm not a Virus, if that's what you're asking. [she looks troubled, but somehow not offended.] I'm a...Gajuma, of course.

[there's a slight hesitation in the middle of that statement, and her tone seems a little bewildered.]


[video] tasercopter May 2 2011, 18:00:01 UTC
Uh, I can tell you're not a virus because I'm looking right at you. I'd need a microscope to see one of those.

A Gau-what? Never heard of it.


[video] persical May 2 2011, 18:03:19 UTC
A..."microscope"? [suddenly, the feeling that they're speaking different languages.]

Never heard of... [well, that explained it. Sort of. But really, who had never heard of a Gajuma? Maybe she shouldn't pry.]

I'm not dangerous, if that's what you're worried about. My name is Claire. Claire Bennett.


gardenmeddler May 2 2011, 18:29:46 UTC
Why would you think you're the one wanted by the Queen?


persical May 2 2011, 19:05:50 UTC
Perhaps I was mistaken, but when she spoke to me, what I understood was that she was looking for a specific girl to help her. And I was the one she chose, but...

[she hasn't quite figured out that the Queen here and the Queen she means are two different people.]


gardenmeddler May 5 2011, 03:35:14 UTC
The Queen spoke to you? Directly? That is quite unusual. What did she discuss with you, if I might ask?


persical May 7 2011, 00:54:22 UTC
Yes, I was taken before her...before that ceremony. Though the castle is nowhere to be seen, so I'm assuming we're far from there now.

She spoke about the differences between races, and love.


[video] aunomdedieu May 2 2011, 19:41:00 UTC
The Queen doesn't seem predisposed to listen to requests.

[ Caprica's voice is just... resigned. Although her expression, on the other hand, is another matter - she's never seen anyone who looks like Claire before, and her eyes are wide and immensely curious. Eventually, she has to say something. ]

I'm sorry, but- do all the people where you're from look like you?


[video] persical May 2 2011, 19:45:32 UTC
So I'm beginning to realize, but I had hope...

[she sighs a bit.]

There's no need to apologize, but-- [here, she smiles a little.] Well, of course not. Everyone looks different, after all. But I'm guessing that means you've never met a Gajuma before, either?

[so strange, but considering she recently just woke up in a body what wasn't her own, strange is quite relative at this point.]


[video] aunomdedieu May 2 2011, 19:51:02 UTC
[ A quick, apologetic shake of her head. ] Some of us have been here for months. It doesn't seem as if she'll be letting us leave any time soon.

[ The name is foreign to her, like hearing a nonsense word, and she purses her lips. ]

No, never.


[video] persical May 3 2011, 05:21:04 UTC
Months? [this is a troubling revelation.] I'm so sorry...I wish there were something I could do.

Where I'm from, there are Gajuma as well as Huma like yourself. But it seems like I'm the first Gajuma many people here have met. [that last sentence comes out a little awkwardly, almost hesitant, in contrast with her usual steady speech.]


dubious_curves May 2 2011, 19:52:53 UTC
My inquiries to the Queen have been unanswered, so I'm not exactly sure if she will listen to yours.


persical May 3 2011, 05:26:52 UTC
I don't understand...how can she ignore her subjects like this?


dubious_curves May 3 2011, 06:34:38 UTC
My theory is that she doesn't see us as subjects at all. We're more like her toys.


persical May 3 2011, 16:31:25 UTC
That can't be right. The late King loved his people, so surely his daughter...


[video] shanghaiworld May 2 2011, 20:49:18 UTC
Sorry, your pleas fall on deaf ears.


[video] persical May 3 2011, 05:28:03 UTC
So I've been told. I just thought...she listened once, so she might listen again.


[video] shanghaiworld May 3 2011, 05:31:27 UTC
... Come again? I wasn't aware she listened in the first place.


[video] persical May 3 2011, 16:32:53 UTC
When I was brought before her the first time, I told her a story. She listened to my words then, though I don't think they managed to reach her heart...

[she sounds a bit sad about this. And she hasn't quite figured out they're talking about two different Queens.]


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