Title: Lies Become Unraveled
Author: Jourdana Standish
Synopsis: Ezra discovers that everything he has ever known is nothing more than a lie. How does he cope with finding out the truth about himself when a woman from his mother's past forces her to reveal the truth?
Author's Notes: This suddenly came to me and is a nice break up of the major h/c/
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Comments 9
I love the way everyone is pulling together to help.
And the Ezra/Inez at the end.
I'm really looking forward to the next part.
It was good, now that all of them knowing what happened between Mary and Ezra, and i'm glad that Inez stayed.
Thank you for updating. Keep writing.
Keep up the great work that you are doing with your fic and update asap.
*Hugs & Kisses*
Have a great day/night and keep smiling,
Sivan Shemesh
Wheres Waldo? Ooops I meen Maude
I hear pink panther music in the background as the boys search high and low..LOL
Okay I think my breakfast was tainted!
Can't wait for the next chapter:)
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