Oct 20, 2010 23:59
[Who knows how long the Howler had been there before Francis opened. What can be sure though, it probably wouldn't of been much quieter at such an early hour in the morning if it had been open upon its arrival. It's also doubtful that Rory would of been apologetic to anybody woken by it.]
HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! I inform you that Mr Kirkland would not be required to attend any of the Potion remedial classes beyond the first one and what do you do! Not only undermined me but humiliate him in front of the entire school! Do you think it's bloody funny?
[The Howler pauses, as if thinking to itself]
Know what? I've had enough. Going to do something I should of done a bloody long time ago.
[And with that said, the Howler goes up in flames.
Anyone who was already up however, may have noticed a message wielding barn owl that was flying far too early to be catching the opening of the Ministry of Magic or anything else in Britain...and that one of the more awkwardly placed posters is now missing]
Thank you Grace for dragging me out last night, I think I really needed that.
Was it just me or was it rather noisy this morning
!harry potter,
now that that's off my chest,
!enchanted journal,
heterosexual life partner = grace,
inner violent glaswegian,