please allow me to introduce myself

Sep 17, 2013 21:01

So New Adult is a genre that is a) just being recognized, b) super duper 'in' right now, and c) kinda my jam. And probably a lot of your jams too, because it's the bridge between Young Adult and Adult Adult, the 20-somethings out of high school but still figuring out how to walk on their own two feet.

To make me more familiar with the genre, A ( Read more... )

sleepy hollow, random! random! random!, writing: i does it

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Comments 5

animeserena September 18 2013, 08:16:11 UTC
I would read the book if not for my secondhand embarrassment problems - I get too much of it first hand to subject myself to any more it, especially from someone else.



queenklu September 18 2013, 23:52:20 UTC
Yeahhh it's pretty tough for me to get through at some points. If you DO buy it I suggest the ebook, because it's cheaper (so actual sentences like "OH MY GOD KILL ME KILLMEKILLMEEEEE" don't bug the fuck out of me as much as if i'd paid $15 or whatever for the book)



citrusjava September 18 2013, 10:08:32 UTC
Sounds good!
I admit I'm curious and I don't really understand the difference between new adult, run of the mill rom com AUs, chick lit romance, and IDK, Buffy - the collage years... Is New Adult basically Buffy - the collage years? I don't have a feel for this yet :)


queenklu September 18 2013, 23:57:21 UTC
Well, New Adult doesn't HAVE to be Romance. Just like you have all sorts of genres within Young Adult (fantasy, mystery, scifi, etc), New Adult can too! And it's not just YA plus sex--people mellow a little out of high school away from all those teenage hormones, so it's dealing a lot with a slightly more mature (but not adult) set of feelings/emotions, a lot of times dealing with "holy fuck i'm in college/out of the house/on my own wtf do i do now???" kind of things that we, as a generation, are facing! So that's pretty cool :D

Did that help bb?


citrusjava September 21 2013, 06:53:08 UTC
Helps a lot.
Thanks, bb <3


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