So yesterday I accidentally auditioned for a reality tv dating show in Miami

Mar 11, 2013 21:06

And today I went and climbed a glacier, which is why I didn't get a chance to type up this post earlier.

In other news, I have no idea what my life is either )

alaska: we're cool, do i really need a real life tag?

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Comments 17

jayj530 March 12 2013, 08:18:01 UTC
So just out of curiosity who out of writing club do you want to be paired with in all the fic we're inevitably going to write if you do get picked? ;P


queenklu March 12 2013, 08:44:31 UTC
LOLOL y'all ship who you want--I suspect if we ever do get a fandom we'll be a 1D kind of thing where people are pretty flexible about their otps? No major ship wars here. ;DD


jayj530 March 12 2013, 09:05:05 UTC
So lots of orgy fic, then. Awesome.

Oh man I can just see it now - the show does pick you and then one day an intern or something comes in to talk to the producers to let them know that the show seems to have an unexpectedly strong internet following. "But it seems to be made up of fans writing smutty stories about the girls, like, with each other. In fact I'm not even sure these fans realize that there are any guys on the show at all." And the producers all just sit there scratching their heads and looking confused until finally one of them hesitantly pipes up with "just how smutty are we talking here? For, you know, research purposes."


zolac_no_miko March 12 2013, 09:37:49 UTC
Your life is the most hilarious. XD


queenklu March 12 2013, 16:26:29 UTC
My life is the most BIZARRE *facepalm*


deirdre_c March 12 2013, 10:29:00 UTC
Love in Miami, Hollywood-style, The Series! (Did they ask if you had a pet moose?)

Also, 99% lesbian with a chance of Ewan McGregor? BEST. DESCRIPTION. EVER. :DDD


queenklu March 12 2013, 16:29:28 UTC
They should have! Nah, the lady was from Alaska--or at least enough from Alaska to not ask the dumb questions. I feel like I missed a real opportunity to tell them I have a semi-mummified caribou head in my back yard, dang.



leodragon1 March 12 2013, 10:45:48 UTC
I love how you ACCIDENTLY auditioned, when there are so many people in L.A. who would kill to be on a reality show, no matter how cheesy. Your description of the experience was hilarious.

I wonder if they'll do an episode of "Here's some of the crazy the people who DIDN'T make it!" like they do on American Idol, and we'll get to see you on TV. Hee hee.

ETA: The part where they were looking for people who haven't travelled intrigued me, since that kind of person tends to be the worst sort (of any nationality) because they haven't had their horizons broadened. I'm probably stereotyping, but they did it first, since they ASKED.


queenklu March 12 2013, 16:34:20 UTC
oh god, i didn't even think of the 'crazy people who didn't make it' segment possibility. o.o I DON'T WATCH REALITY TV SHOWS I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THEY WORK.

Right, though? Especially in ALASKA--we tend to travel a lot, because there isn't a whole lot HERE. Or if we have to travel six hours to get someplace new ANYWAY, why not get on a plane and actually leave the state? Seriously, they were looking for mythical beings, 5-6 pretty single ladies who are preferably naive about every fucking thing so we can film their culture shock and laugh at them. *eyeroll*


citrusjava March 12 2013, 15:04:10 UTC
This is probably the most entertaining thing to come out of that reality show.


queenklu March 13 2013, 04:12:38 UTC
LOL maybe? Dude, I don't even WATCH reality tv shows!


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