this icon would be super funny if you knew B. from writing club

Feb 11, 2013 12:15

So Wednesday I got a text from B from writing club asking me how close I was to finishing my novel, and if I could get it done by 3PM on Saturday, because one of the top literary agents was hosting something she called a "Chum Bucket," where anyone--a n y o n e--could set her a query letter* and the first five pages of your novel and if she liked ( Read more... )

love is all you need, writing: i does it

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Comments 9

shri_amato February 11 2013, 21:33:30 UTC
That's awesome, bb! Good for you not getting discouraged. And yeah, ficdom is a completely different animal than "real life" publication. I had always thought of maybe trying to publish my poetry, but then I'm all "but they're my babies, and I really don't want to have to see someone trash them."



queenklu February 11 2013, 22:03:00 UTC
*TWIRLS YOU!* Yeah, it's also waaaaay early in the game to be discouraged, so I'm keeping my chin up! I bet your poetry would do awesome, though, maybe you should give it a try? It's not like you have to make any changes they suggest--push comes to shove you say, "no i dont wanna" and take them back.



sagetan February 12 2013, 03:21:42 UTC
Congratulations! On finishing your manuscript, and starting the process of contacting publishers, and goddamn writing 17k in 2.5 days, that is badassery right there. :D


queenklu February 12 2013, 05:21:05 UTC
I can't actually believe I wrote that much in so short a time, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I DID THAT asdlkfjald THANK YOU BB! *HUGS*


dodger_sister February 12 2013, 20:53:21 UTC
First of all, 17k in 2 1/2 days? HOLY SHIT, WOMAN! Second of all, go you for finishing it and sending it out!! You're on your way now!

The cool thing about the Chum Bucket is that the agent gives you a personalized, brutally honest response, so you LEARN shit. All she had to say about mine was that the books she works with are more "high concept thrillers" than suspense novels, and that she was sorry she had to pass.

I have to say, my reaction to this was that if she hadn't liked something about the book...she would have said so. Cuz I get the feeling publishers don't beat around the bush AT ALL. If all she had to say was that it wasn't the kind of book she publishes usually, that sounds almost like a compliment from a publisher. Right?

I read this interesting article a while ago about 30 great authors who were rejected at first. It's relevant to your interests.

One of my favorites is someone who told Stephen King about 'Carrie" - We are not interested in science fiction which deals with negative utopias. They do not sell. ( ... )


queenklu February 12 2013, 22:42:56 UTC
Omggg THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT LINK!! Wow, I didn't even know how badly I needed to read that. *HUGS YOU TIGHT*

And right? I'm going to choose to believe her response was a good one--if nothing else it makes me feel better :3


dodger_sister February 13 2013, 21:30:22 UTC

LOL You're very welcome. I think that article should be required reading for anyone when they first start sending things out to publishers. ;) I had a feeling it would be something you (and Writing Club) might enjoy.



leodragon1 February 13 2013, 02:31:16 UTC
If all she had to say was that she couldn't publish it because of the genre of the story, that is SO a compliment! I'd try other publishers that are in that genre, and even others that aren't, because your writing is wonderful. It's so easy to read, I don't even feel like I'm reading. I'm just getting pictures in my head. And don't even get me started on the humour. I bet you will get published.

Just keep writing fanfic when you do, 'cos I'd be sad otherwise. PROUD of you, but sad.


queenklu February 13 2013, 19:09:28 UTC
I hope so! The other people I've sent it to are better reps of the genre--it's hard to decide what genre the story is, because there's humor but also a serial killer? But apparently the average number of query letters an author sends out before getting accepted is somewhere around 200. I've got a ways to go!

And of COURSE I'll still write fic! As long as I'm inspired to! :DD *HUGS* I would miss you guys too much to ever quit!


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