sun goes down, the stars come out etc.

Dec 13, 2012 17:37

Killing time before I go to The Hobbit tonight! Only......6ish hours to go. So if you're interested, hit me up! (stolen from pennyplainknits)

Pick a character I've written and I will give and explain the top five* ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character ( Read more... )

meme me, help me obi-flist kenobi, writing: i does it

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Comments 8

ladyjanelly December 14 2012, 03:19:14 UTC
Eliot Spencer :)


queenklu December 14 2012, 03:43:43 UTC
Haha, I love writing Eliot (I still have an ot3 fic in the works, it just got back-burnered for a bit ( ... )


leodragon1 December 14 2012, 03:25:40 UTC
Danny Williams


queenklu December 14 2012, 03:52:54 UTC

1) Danny is kind of an asshole. Sometimes you've got to let him be an asshole. But I always try to make him realize it, even if it's internally. Sometimes the assholishness is a defense-mechanism against feeeeelings.

2) Danny can get kind of rambly but he doesn't have entire conversations with himself--people don't let him, especially Steve. He's arguing because he likes the banter, don't let him go overboard. (I keep saying you but I'm talking to me, sorry!)

3) He is short. Try to keep that in mind during kissing scenes.

4) Dad!mode will always override cop!mode when Gracie is around, which softens Danny's way of talking and his general behavior.

5) He is always going to think Steve is ridiculous, no matter what Steve does. I was rewatching s1 episodes recently and Steve is SO MUCH ANGRIER, and Danny is his calming presence. Danny will always try to be Steve's rock, even when he's the one being angry.



leodragon1 December 14 2012, 04:06:09 UTC
I agree with all of this, especially the first one. I love how three-dimensional Danny is in the show. He's not this perfect saint, he can be a dick, but you get that it's because he feels so much, and he expresses himself without thinking. I love that Steve seems to get that too, and let's him vent or banter, or whatever he needs.


citrusjava December 14 2012, 12:04:04 UTC
Ooh, interesting. I wish I could choose a bunch! :)

But - Jared Padalecki.


queenklu December 14 2012, 23:09:30 UTC
Haha okeydokey!

1) Jared is not a caricature--he's loud and goofy but he's smart, he's lugging around a big ol' brain that most people don't give him enough credit for, so he's going to be pretty quick on the uptake re: most things.

2) Jared is REALLY TALL, but he's only a few inches taller than Jensen, and their hands are going to be pretty similar, size-wise. Keeping this in mind helps me with establishing body language.

3) Jared looooooooooooves his dogs. Any dogs. He's said before that he's had to be told not to approach strangers with dogs (AS AN ADULT) because sometimes those strangers are creepy stalker fans. Point is, if there's a dog in a scene, Jared's going to gravitate towards it.

4) Jensen once described Jared's relationship with Misha as, "If Jared is a cat, Misha is the ball of string."

5) Jared is absolutely loyal and protective of his loved ones, and he can and will do what he can to protect them

(sorry these are pretty tame, it's been a while since I wrote Jared! :DD)


citrusjava December 15 2012, 18:43:15 UTC
Aww, these are so sweet :)

I love your first point. I strongly agree. It's one of the main reasons your Jared rings true to me. I really love the way you write him.

Thank you! :)


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