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Comments 15

shri_amato October 10 2012, 00:41:01 UTC


queenklu October 10 2012, 00:45:24 UTC


shri_amato October 10 2012, 01:10:55 UTC


girlygothic October 10 2012, 01:15:37 UTC
1) Pie! And pie-lets! (Yeah, I know they're called tarts. But pie-lets is cuter.)

2) can anyone explain to me the difference between burning calories and burning fat? Because the dude at the gym who showed us around was kind of bitching about how the ellipticals/treadmills only burn calories and I...honestly I'm a bit lost.

I'm no expert. But this sounds like bullshit pseudo-science to me. You got me curious, so I googled and found this. From what I can recall of high school biology, it seems to make sense.


girlygothic October 10 2012, 01:17:14 UTC
Oh, I forgot to ask... Is that pumpkin pie? If so, excellent choice. Not only a nummy flavor, but it's dessert that counts as a serving of vegetable.


queenklu October 10 2012, 01:56:04 UTC
I was just calling them baby pies! I like pie-lets though too! :DD And yup, it is pumpkin pie!

Oooo the article looks interesting anyway, thanks for linking me!


an_cat_dubh October 10 2012, 01:37:04 UTC

So . . . don't quote me on this, but the difference between burning calories and fat comes down to the fact that your burning off the calories you consumed in a given day but once you get past that point you're consuming fat. So . . . for instance, if you consume 1250 calories in a day then once you get past that point you're consuming fat, BUT it is not as bad as it sounds because you burn about your weight x 10 plus 500 calories in a given day so anything over that is gravy. I may have not explained it thoroughly but nutrition has been an area of interest to me.


queenklu October 10 2012, 03:49:49 UTC
Oh okay, that makes sense, i think! Thank you!


sassangel October 10 2012, 02:02:03 UTC
Just a quick question... Are we talking Crosby in the hockey RPF?

Cause if so I am ALL over that.


queenklu October 10 2012, 03:19:03 UTC
YES! Sorry, shows how much I know about hockey, it makes sense there might be more than one Sydney *headdesk*


sassangel October 10 2012, 03:59:20 UTC
Heh. I am just thrilled to bits now. I am a Canadian girl through and through who, I admit, was a bit depressed over the current state of the hockey season and then there was... Hockey Slash! I am seriously giddy. Thank you for showing me the way.

Now... if I can just manage to find Kesler/Bieksa I am golden.


locknkey October 10 2012, 03:47:53 UTC

Maybe he meant burning fat and building muscle? If I remember right, aerobic exercise (treadmill, running, walking) basically burns calories, strengthens heart muscles/lung, builds endurance and revs the metabolism. Anaerobic builds muscle (the side benefit being that muscle also burns fat - even when you stop - the better your musculature the more calories you burn). To have a balanced exercise program - you should have both types. Swimming is awesome as it does both adn has the added benefit of being low impact. Also, if you can, eat six or more small meals a day (each time you eat - your metabolism kicks in and burns calories.)


queenklu October 10 2012, 07:41:40 UTC
This gym doesn't have a pool :(( But thank you for telling me about aerobic vs anaerobic--i'm really out of my depth here with a lot of this. I'll keep it all in mind!


locknkey October 10 2012, 19:10:59 UTC
I think the thing I've learned is that weight loss is different for everyone. The most fit I've ever been was taking dance for two hours three times a week. Step aerobics didn't work for me at all, nor did the Atkin's diet (I actually put on weight). Eating lo-cal foods and doing a combination of floor exercises(muscle builder) and walking is what I do now and try and about six times a day. For me, reducing my calories actually led my body to do the pregnancy dance. it happens to some women in child bearing years. The body thinks you're trying to starve it and so it turns down your metabolism in case you get pregnant. :( Genetics and culture can also effect metabolism. My ex could eat twice the calories I could and never put on a gram, even though he didn't do anymore exercise. I can cut down to 800 calories a day and not lose anything, but even small bursts of exercise (parking far away and walking, taking the stairs instead of the elevator) make noticeable difference in weight loss for me. This is a decent article on speeding up ( ... )


queenklu October 10 2012, 20:43:58 UTC
ooooo THANK YOU! I'll try some of the things the article says, see if they work, try some others if they don't. For the last few weeks I've been making a point to eat breakfast every day, which is not something I, uh, did most days before. I'm going to try the 6 small eatings a day thing and see how it goes. :D


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