
Jan 20, 2012 13:54

I have a little over a week until Nashville.

Luckily school is keeping me busy enough that I don't have much time to freak out, BUT THEN I START FREAKING OUT ABOUT NOT HAVING ENOUGH TIME TO MENTALLY PREPARE.

(I realize these are very much first world problems, especially with all the shit going down with SOPA and PIPA and Megaupload and jesus christ ( Read more... )

certifiably insane yesyesyes, ugh & damn, conventional wisdom, freaking the fuck out, college tag: wtf

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Comments 10

flightjacket January 20 2012, 23:09:36 UTC
Hahaha, I'm so excited for you, and for the adventures you will have that will undoubtedly make hilarious LJ posts I will get to lol and coo over. In the meantime, try to breathe normally, okay? You gotta make it to Nashville first, lolol.



queenklu January 20 2012, 23:17:45 UTC
I'm not even worried about getting to Nashville--I have complete faith in my ability to get my robo-Sam on and powerhouse my way to our hotel. THAT'S when I'm gonna have my mental breakdown though. Because lfkjaldjlafjdldglfkgj reasons.

But yes. YES. There is always the knowledge that whatever kind of idiot I make of myself on this trip, I will be able to post about it and watch all of you lol. That is EXTREMELY COMFORTING, I'm not even lying.

Auuuugh breathing normally is harrrrd.


flightjacket January 21 2012, 01:26:07 UTC
Hahaha, I didn't mean you should worry about getting to Nashville, I meant you should concentrate on getting to Nashville without having a coronary, you poor thing.

Oh, rereading that, I think you understood what I meant and I'm just not thinking straight through this haze of migraine. In any case, mental breakdowns are unnecessary at any/every stage of this venture, I promise you.


queenklu January 21 2012, 02:24:30 UTC
Oh, no, I actually, fuck it, I think our brains are the same about of hazy and messed up right now, let's just cuddle. *glomps*


tombolguid January 21 2012, 00:56:04 UTC
I am not thinking about. I can't. I'm focusing on yay!plane! My brain literally throws random images at me when I try to think about Nashcon. I'm convinced it's in self-defense because IT WILL EXPLODE!

I printed everything out too. I have to photocopy it next week for my mom. She's demanding things. And my dad apparently just realized I'm going alone to meet up with you over there (he thought I was going with a group because he thinks I have actual friends or something *handwaves*) and he got pissy. I don't live with him and we have minimum contact so I don't really care.

I tried looking up things to do and I came up empty. I want food, that's all I know. And that Elvis fortune thing maybe. Ugh, bb, I'm so tired. Working full-time is exhausting, wth.


queenklu January 21 2012, 02:28:14 UTC
Wait, your dad is mad that you're going alone? BB, TELL HIM I PROMISE NOT TO LET ANYTHING BAD HAPPEN TO YOU. I mean, you're on your own for the first leg, but all you have to do is get yourself on the planes, ask official-looking people if you get lost, and above all find your gate before you look in any shops. You will feel better knowing where it is and then you can wander around if you like, always keeping one eye on your phone to check the time. <33

I think the hotels might have brochures with stuff to do, maybe? We'll find something to do even if we just wander aimlessly around. Or say fuck it and watch tv in our hotel room. ;3


shri_amato January 21 2012, 02:11:15 UTC
You lucky bitch. TAKE ME WITH YOU! (not just because of J2, either. It's fucking snowing here, and my feet are cold. *pouts*)

Stupid fucking SPOA/PIPA. They do realize if they take away our fanfic, we're gonna have to cut some bitches, right? *glares at stupid people*


queenklu January 21 2012, 02:29:43 UTC
Beebs it's -17F here, how cold do your feet feel now? *eyebrows*

It is so fucking stupid. I don't think they can take away fanfic because none of us are making a profit? But they can make life very miserable and difficult for us. :(((


jay_peregrine January 21 2012, 03:01:11 UTC
I'm trying to think of touristy things to do in Nashville, but living there is quite the opposite of being touristy. The only thing I can think is to make sure you go down Broadway one night when all the bars are hopping. (There are a bunch of good ones on 2nd Avenue as well - Bailey's has awesome pretzel bites as an appetizer.) Walking the riverfront is pretty too.

Obviously I suck at this, but I must confess that I don't do much in Nashville other than go to concerts and drink. <.


queenklu January 21 2012, 20:01:46 UTC
Sorry I didn't get to this until just now, but I know exactly what you mean about touristy things to do in a place where you live--when people visit me in Alaska I'm always just "Well...we could go to the...Target..." But damn, pretzel bites sound awesome, I'll check out your suggestions! :DD


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