<--Hamish the coo. Just FYI.

Jan 02, 2012 22:21

Okay so here's the thing, I've been drinking (one 22 oz bottle of hard cider with dinner so not sloshed but expect spelling failures) and I just need to say this, and if I'm feeling particularly stupid later I might post this on tumblr (because the internet is so much smarter/dumber than me sometimes and tumblr is full of tinkerbells) BUT I FEEL ( Read more... )

thinky thoughts, random! random! random!, sherlock & watson play cops & robbers

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Comments 29

flightjacket January 3 2012, 07:46:02 UTC
Cool commentary, bro. I think it's fair.

This is also why I like the fact that fandom loves to question Sherlock's own use of the ~high-functioning sociopath~ label. Any box that Sherlock Holmes would willingly allow himself to be put into deserves immediate and deeply suspicious investigation. Personally, I think it's another thing he uses to keep people caught off guard and distanced from himself.


queenklu January 3 2012, 08:00:40 UTC
It just, augh, it happened with Game of Shadows too, with the whole "why would I want anything with a mind of its own bobbing between my legs" line and everyone pointing to that as proof that he's asexual, and meanwhile I'm standing here in the dust going "Wait, what? I think it just means he likes blowjobs from dumb people WHERE IS YOUR LOGIC."

Buuuuut yeah. Sorry, tangent. I think of the two of them Mycroft is the sociopath, or at least the one closest to being a sociopath. And possibly asexual as well. And maybe Sherlock's just emmulating his big brother. IDK, I HAVE THE PLAGUE, THINKING IS HARD.


flightjacket January 3 2012, 08:12:04 UTC

And I very much agree with you on the Mycroft is the sociopath line of thinking, seeing as I just wrote some meta on my Tumblr that totally skirted the idea that BBC Sherlock seems to have put Mycroft and Moriarty on the same level of feelings-proof inhumanity, and cast Sherlock as questioning and ultimately accepting the importance of feelings/caring, etc, despite how much he's obviously been conditioned to think meanly of it.

But I have gotten 2 hours of sleep in the last 34 hours, I'M NOT SURE WHAT THESE WORDS I'M TYPING NOW EVEN ARE.


zolac_no_miko January 3 2012, 08:06:26 UTC
I would totally buy into him being solidly in the Gray-A area (and he's in good company there, seriously Sherlock, let's hang out and be friends, I've got a nice couch we can share), but... yeah, I'm with you, I mean, I sort of love that this fandom is exploring the ace angle, just how cool is that, that's a group that doesn't get much representation... but me and Irene Adler, see, we agree on the "brainy is the new sexy" thing, I love that it's not Sherlock's looks or his gender but his mad impressive deduction skills that make her want to fuck him through the table, and of course Sherlock would respond to that, look at the way he perked up when John started complimenting him, the way he flirted with Jim, when Irene looks at him like that and the heat goes up and he knows it's his brain she wants to lick all over, and this coming from someone as smart and interesting and inscrutable as Irene... GUH just look at his blood boil, mmmmmm ( ... )


queenklu January 3 2012, 17:18:05 UTC
Sorry, my own brain completely fizzled into nothing at it's his brain she wants to lick all over lkdfkl

I love that this fandom is exploring it too! I love when fandom explores anything, really, but especially variaties of orientation and gender and sex because I LEARN things. I just have a problem with people saying "THIS IS IT THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THBBBPT"--and that's with anything, really. Like you said, labels don't work that well because we're humans and we don't like fitting into boxes.

Brains are TOTALLY sexy! And sex itself has been built up into this grandiose thing by hollywood etc. that often can't meet expectations because our brains know more about our buttons than our bodies do (see every horror movie that never shows us the monster, because what happens in our mind is so much bigger than reality can produce most of the time).


samantha890 January 3 2012, 09:24:47 UTC
Is this, um... the movie you're talking about? Or is there a show? I've seen the first Sherlock Holmes movie but not the second yet. I'm rather confused as to where people are getting this history from? Is the movie based off of a show?


manius_777 January 3 2012, 09:34:12 UTC
The tv-show.


queenklu January 3 2012, 17:20:25 UTC
Oh bb, have you not seen Sherlock BBC? The modern-day Sherlock?? It is AMAAAAAZING, YOU SHOULD WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY. 8DDD


samantha890 January 5 2012, 00:18:14 UTC
No, I haven't! I guess I'm going to have to check it out! Thanks! :)


leodragon1 January 3 2012, 09:52:54 UTC
I'm perfectly fine with this reading of Sherlock. Some days I think he's asexual, some days I think along the same lines that you do. I'm allowed to constantly change my mind :-P

"...and yes, asexuals need physical contact too, just not sexual contact."

This is absolutely true. When I think about having a partner in the future, I think wistfully of cuddling together on the couch, absent-minded hugs (and kisses) in the mornings and constant casual contant. All of these things speak of intimacy that you don't get with just anybody.


queenklu January 3 2012, 17:25:37 UTC
LOL Exactly! People are changeable critters. I just have a problem with the whole "YOU CAN AGREE WITH ME OR YOU CAN BE WRONG" mentality that I was seeing a lot of on the internet.

I love the picture you've painted here, bb, I think it's what everyone ultimately wants! :DD *HUGS*


sirona_gs January 3 2012, 10:42:36 UTC
As the new layout isn't letting me post comments, I have to go in and add the style=mine label to a URL to change it. You know what I typed in when I went to do that here? AGREED. For serious, I was that vehemently supportive of this post that when I went to type anything, that's what first came out. AGREED. WITH EVERYTHING. And every single thing that zolac_no_miko said, because she is my internet girlfriend brain twin. In fact, if you're interested, she and I had a long and meandering discussion along those lines at my LJ last night, hereBut yes. I think it's too simple to just slap a label on something and generalise it this way. In fact, it gets right up my nose. IT IS OKAY for Sherlock to be anything, ace, gay, straight, whatever in between, and the interpretation largely depends on the people who make it and their views on those subjects. But I completely agree that it's just TOO EASY to dismiss Sherlock in such a manner, as fitting in a neat little box. Because he is a lot more complicated than that ( ... )


queenklu January 3 2012, 17:43:23 UTC

...I really have nothing else to say. I'll just grab your "AGREED. WITH EVERYTHING" and leave it here 'cause yeah. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah. ♥ ♥ ♥


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