
Oct 12, 2011 12:45

I'm now all caught up with shows, woot! So now I can spout off my totally enthralling opinions on all of them. Yeeeeah.


with bonus pictures! )

castle, epirant, picspam, ncis, booooooyfraaaaands, hawaii five oh my god

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Comments 15

linnet_melody October 12 2011, 21:05:08 UTC
RYAN'S FAAAAASE. Everything, all the feelings, RIGHT THERE. And of course Beckett -- coming from another freakin' room -- gets between the slimeball and Ryan before Esposito can even stand up. He was nonchalantly sauntering while getting to his feet. Can you even saunter without moving your feet at all? IDC. GUH, BOYYYYS.

H50 was ... bleh. I miss Kono. She made everything better.

NCIS: Ohhhhh, bb, you gotta watch the first half. There was a Tim/Tony moment where they're competitive and racing and shooting High Noon faces at each other! Was awesome. No lie, I imagine Gibbs walking in on the middle of things and then snuggling them both. <3



queenklu October 12 2011, 21:11:31 UTC
I KNOW, I KNOW, THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THEM THAT ISN'T BOYFRIENDS except their girlfriends goddamnit. Yeah, maaan, Esposito wasn't even worried. He knew Ryan had that. *rolls around with glee*

H5O: I kept yelping "NO!" at the tv every time Danny flirted with the museum lady and yeah, LESS JOHN** JOE WHITE MORE KONO. I WANT MY BABY BACK.

**See i just degaf

NCIS: OH, I did catch that, but barely! The calling-Gibbs-first competition was so damn cute, asdjlfkd, I started out a Tony/Gibbs shipper but NOW I JUST DON'T KNOW ANYMORE.



linnet_melody October 13 2011, 04:26:32 UTC
I like Lainey. I wanna meet the other girl. .... I want LAINEY to meet the other girl, and they go out for drinks and girl-talk about their boys-what-are-partners and then they drink a little too much and start talking a bit more intimately and why is it that Kevin never remembers that one spot that drives her crazy? He misses half the time! Wait, what spot is this? Oh you know, the one there just to the right of --- here, lift your hair up. This one. Wait, you mean he doesn't..? No, I mean, like with the teeth and it makes your arm hair--? Oh right! Right, that feeling. God, men can be so forgetful. I know, right ( ... )


queenklu October 13 2011, 05:59:58 UTC
YES YES YES YES YES. I want everyone to be happy and have all the sex. Foursome relationships are totally feasible, right?? RIGHT.

I do read all your posts, bb, feel free to bore me any time ;DD ♥


legalliquid October 12 2011, 21:05:36 UTC
I love the Ryan and Esposito show! And Ryan looks soo young in his jean jacket…Every time I want to leave Castle, they draw me back in so hard. In conclusion, perfection :)

Didn't hate it as much as last week
Ha, so sad that we have to qualify episode-hatred. I barely cared about the plot this week, though I did like the Chin and Kono moment at the end…but seriously Kono just needs to be found innocent, put back on the team, etc etc...and then maybe Joe White can go home?


queenklu October 12 2011, 21:17:17 UTC
THEY DID LOOK SO YOUNG! And I know that was the goal but UGH MY HEART, I JUST LOVE THEM SO. Boyfrands in love ♥_____________♥

The Chin and Kono moment at the end was a long time coming, but I'm glad it actually happened. Still not a single hint of a sign that Danny and Steve even remember Kono exists. *eyetwitch* And yeah, don't even give a fuck about Joe White. They're going to milk that, though, til the wheels fall off this mixed metaphor. *sigh*


leupagus October 12 2011, 21:44:51 UTC
It really WAS so so awkward! Poor Steve. Always a bridesmaid, never getting into Danny's pants.

And... okay, maybe this sounds weird, but as an ugly girl, I find it really depressing when the male characters on shows do the thing where they see a beautiful woman and they're instantly in love, you know? Because I'd like to believe that there are guys out there who meet a girl, maybe she makes him laugh, or has a really fascinating perspective on politics or - whatever. And that he likes her more for those reasons than "OMG boobz." But both Steve and Danny have pulled this thing where they flirt with women when it is not appropriate, because God forbid anything like their job get in the way of their boner.


queenklu October 13 2011, 05:43:29 UTC
YES, okay, and what the hell, on top of all that, IF A GUY IS TRIPPING OVER HIS TONGUE TO TALK TO YOU, for courtesy's fucking sake, at least acknowledge it? Shut him down if you're not interested, smile if you are, express confusion if you don't get it, REACT SOMEHOW. She was basically a barbie doll with as much feeling as plastic.

My headcannon response to OMG BOOBZ is OMG MUST REASSURE SELF THAT I STILL LIKE BOOBZ, but I know that's not what the idiot writers are going for. *eyetwitch*


bloody_american October 13 2011, 00:35:32 UTC
OH GOD YES EMBARRASSMENT SQUICK EVERY TIME DANNO FLIRTED WITH MUSEUM LADY. I think I covered my fave for about 85% of their interactions it made me cringe so hard.

Things just don't make sense if Steve is not in love with Danno.

This. SO MUCH THIS. Which makes my head hurt because I know the show is already paving the way for Lori/Steve. I'm trying to imagine that it only happens because Steve is heartbroken over Danny flirting with every woman he comes across but then I feel bad because it's not fair to Lori. BUT I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT I'LL DO IF WHEN IT ACTUALFAX HAPPENS. D:


Also, NCISSSSSS. I have to catch up on that show. I missed like the last 5 eps of last season and am being lazy but I miss it and am a completist who cannot watch any of the new eps until I watch the old ones. In order. Argh. *wishes they were on Netflix* *cries when they are not*


queenklu October 13 2011, 05:51:54 UTC
I covered my face for about 85% of their interactions it made me cringe so hard. ME TOO, oh god, it was just. Painful. What the actual fuck.

I heard the actress said they wound up not using her as a love interest eventually, but I think it's going to be a couple more episodes before they cut it out. BLARRRRGH.

WATCH IT, CATCH UP. The season's out on DVD now, you can nab it from Blockbuster!


jesseofthenorth October 13 2011, 04:55:05 UTC
I had to hide my face when Danny was doing ... whatever that was... at the museum chick.
I love that fandom gave us the term 'embarrassment squick'


queenklu October 13 2011, 05:52:50 UTC
It was really, really bad. Face hiding was the only option, I think. *clings in solidarity*


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