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Comments 3

keerawa October 3 2011, 05:14:28 UTC
Oh. Sam almost losing when Dean says, whatever Sam's secret is, he knows Sam will tell him, because whatever it is, he'll always have his back? God. Yeah. Me too.


zebra363 October 3 2011, 14:40:34 UTC
I have to go to bed before it gets any later, and might not get back to this tomorrow, but wanted to let you know I'm really enjoying it! I look forward to reading the rest as soon as I can.

A few favourite lines:

“Have I mentioned lately how sad it is that we’re the kind of people who don’t hold grudges unless someone shoots us in a way that’s not a flesh wound ( ... )


happysgolucky October 28 2011, 10:49:43 UTC
The tattooing each other's names on their asses made me LOL for real. Love the story so far, love how its mixed in with what has actually happened on the show. I am dying to know what SAM knows, its like he has seen the next season of episodes LOL


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