icon has never been more appropriate.

Jul 05, 2011 18:51

For reasons I won't get into at this moment--because they suck rather a lot and technically nothing has happened yet, so--I have the gut-deep feeling that the rest of today (starting in say...an hour) is going to suck in a sort of numbly traumatic geez-klu-some-people-have-actual-trauma-way-to-abuse-the-word way, AND I WILL NEED CHEERING UP.

And I did promise this story was for a rainy day.

So one of the DC nights, the family plus me plus flightjacket  were gathered around our hotel dining table eating Thai food out of take-away cartons and for no reason that anyone can remember, this happened:

Mom: *snorts* I was just thinking--how funny Braveheart would be if it was made with fleas.

Us: What?


Bro: They can take our dogs--

Me: But they can never take. Our. FLEADOMMMMM!

Yeah, Idek. But now it's become a thing. Fleas. We have since invented the heartwarming musical classics such as "Under the Flea" and "BORN FLEA. AS FLEA AS THE WIND BLOWS. AS FLEA AS THE GRASS GROWS. etc." and my personal favorite of "Fleabird."

So I guess what I'm asking you is this: flea suggestions. Movies, songs, actor names. Anything you believe would be greatly improved by inserting that pesky little word in there. I cannot think of anything I would rather come home to than an inbox of fleamazing.

Or pictures of any of the boys looking gorgeous, your pick.

(But really, though. Fleas and thank you.)

certifiably insane yesyesyes, i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, my family: emezzin, do i really need a real life tag?, conversations with klu, hahaha i think i'm funny

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