You're all fired.

May 24, 2011 01:15

 Not that there's really anything anyone could have said that would have prepared me for today's clusterfuck, but. I blaaaaame you.

Herein lies the account of the Mary Kay Party From Hell.

step into my parlour... )

my eeeeeeeyes, ugh & damn, i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, do i really need a real life tag?, sleep deprived r us

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Comments 63

delicatale May 24 2011, 09:32:54 UTC
I hereby solemnly invite to come to my house one weekend, have a lot of Doritos, and people with whom to watch the complete first season of H50 while getting thoroughly sloshed on Blue Hawaiians. TO CLEANSE YOU.


queenklu May 24 2011, 18:39:19 UTC
When my mom got home and I told her what had happened the first words out of her mouth were "What are you drinking?" and my answer was, "Nothing!" And my little brother was like, "No, what would you like to be drinking?" and I said "Oh," and we broke out the hard mikes. I was SO TIRED i couldn't even recognize an offer of alcohol.

But Blue Hawaiians sound looooooooooooooovely, bb, THANK YOU! *clings*


delicatale May 24 2011, 18:44:01 UTC
I would have been drinking through the whole thing, I swear. I have no patience though and I mean, A KID PEED IN YOUR HOUSE AND THEY LEFT YOU TO CLEAN IT. I'd have gone mental on them.

You just have to come to London and I'll some for you ;D.


somehowunbroken May 24 2011, 09:33:04 UTC
That sounds... pretty fucking horrible, bb, I'm sorry. :(

/sending you ALL THE HUGS (and the brain bleach, those photos, ack.)


queenklu May 24 2011, 18:40:36 UTC
It was. It really was. I just don't even. Why would you show anyone that, fuck. *claws at eyes*


flightjacket May 24 2011, 09:46:35 UTC
Oh, honey.

I am very sorry to admit that I'm laughing, but seriously, what else is there to do? I suggest you join me, possibly only after sedating yourself into a mild coma using the strong alcoholic beverage of your choice.

I thought my week has been bad (graduating, moving out, corralling elderly relatives while attempting to do both those things, while on the side dealing with multiple personal breakdowns and an entire suite of girls both hormonal and vaguely heartbroken, succeeded immediately by a horrifying cold--no really, I think my mucus membranes dried up last night and my nose has moved on to leaking brain matter, I swear the way my head feels strongly corroborates this hypothesis--in a house where the internet is inexplicably but stubbornly running at DIAL UP SPEEDS, PLEASE JUST KILL ME, IT WOULD BE EUTHANASIA), but at least this didn't happen to me. My heart and my respect and my hat all go out to you.

Hugs all around.


queenklu May 24 2011, 19:05:32 UTC
*CLINGS* I have been wondering where you disappeared to (idek, I get nervous when you don't rec or tumblr things for a couple days and it was right over the H5O finale and I couldn't hear your shrieking from space) but I remembered that you were graduating and akjfdla I'm so tired, attempting to make sense is sort of difficult, BUT YAY YOU'RE ALIVE, and I'm sorry about your brain leakage and shitty internet connection. :(

At least my suffering only lasted a day. *plies you with antibiotics and chocolate and oh heeeeey have you seen The Eagle? I hear it's slash personified and also Romans?* :D


(The comment has been removed)

queenklu May 24 2011, 19:10:55 UTC
You know how people tend to flip from one extreme to another? I guess we're lucky she's not a stripper doing blow.


hsuyen May 24 2011, 09:50:48 UTC
OH MY GOD, PEOPLE *runs away in horror* what the bloody hell was going on there? How do people like that EXIST ( ... )


queenklu May 24 2011, 19:19:56 UTC
1) The BFF did start the exodus of people, so I can thank her for that. And in all fairness she did have an interview to get to.

2, 3, 4 and especially 5) SERIOUSLY.

6) It was BFF's friend with the kid, but YEAH, MAYBE POTTY TRAIN ON YOUR OWN TIME/IN YOUR OWN HOUSE.

7) ughhhh

I tried my best with keeping my faces under control, but I'm not entirely sure I succeded. But ohhhh ice cream sounds lovely and wonderful. <33333


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