Who just finished and submitted her j2_everafter fic?

Jan 08, 2011 22:20


So prepare to be subjected to Muppet Treasure Island crackfic J2 sometime in February. Do try to contain your excitement.

(I'm watching Jeeves and Wooster be in love so please pardon the Britishisms as they sneak in, old fruit.)

So. I hear the Big Bang signups are coming up soon, and--(ahaha old chap, Jeeves doesn't want to save ( Read more... )

jeeves hearts wooster, j2, happily everaftering, writing: i does it, big bangbangbang

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Comments 14

anyothergirl415 January 9 2011, 08:00:20 UTC
Nnnggghhh so jealous of you finishing. haha I'm freaking out a little bit about mine. I'm uh, like, 22k in or something? And it's hardly halfway done *whimpers*

In other news - yay! You finished!!! And yeah, I'm on the fence about BigBang this year too. I've got ideas a plenty but I'm a bit deadlined out.


queenklu January 9 2011, 08:20:31 UTC
Well mine is only about 6k (I was dead set on not turning it into a Massive Project) so i really wasn't worried. But bb! You've already written a big bang just by j2_everaftering! So it shouldn't be a problem, really, if you wanted to!



pixelinfandom January 9 2011, 14:51:33 UTC
I've been tossing around the idea of attempting SPN bigbang this year again, but a)I've got NO idea what to write, which is a big bummer because if I'm gonna do it in time I need to start working NOW and b)I might rather try H5O bigbang instead. This feels weird to me, SPN is the fandom that got me writing again, and I feel like going to another fandom for bigbang would be a weird betrayal. IDEK. I'm cheating on my fandom, with...another fandom? This is probably a bad sign or something.


pixelinfandom January 9 2011, 14:52:26 UTC
Also, DUH *headdesk* YAY YOU FINISHED!!! YAY!!


queenklu January 10 2011, 05:29:00 UTC
There has to be some plot bunny comm around that would give you an idea, right? Mebbe? BUT HONESTLY I WOULD NOT SAY NO TO A H5O BIG BANG FROM ANYBODY, BB, DON'T FEEL BAD. *SMISH* The way i see it, i live nad pretty much breathe Supernatural. It's good, nay, healthy for us to have other friends. (LIIIIIKE H5O. I'd be real tempted to do that. Is there a comm?)


pixelinfandom January 10 2011, 05:38:09 UTC
YES! hawaii_bigbang provided I have not fucked up the codez. No dates posted yet, so it's all a bit up in the air. And HAHA I was just in the middle of posting about my angsting about my little tiny bitty H5O snippets, now SPN looks all, SAFE and stuff.

Dunno. *Smishes* I'd love to see either from you y'know ;) I AM EXCITE for Muppet crack :D


cydsa January 9 2011, 17:37:31 UTC
Go you! \0/

I've turned mine in as well. It's a very silly thing. Sigh.

My first full on J2 fic. Which has made me think about SPN big bang. but I'm doing apocabigbang already & will sign up for au_bigbang so I should probably not. Right?

Talk me off the ledge here!


queenklu January 10 2011, 05:32:16 UTC
OKAY HERE GOES. Doing too much means that you won't have the time/effort to do your other bigbangs justice. So just. Focus on the ones you do have, and don't stretch yourself too thin.

(Did that help? *bites nails*)


cydsa January 13 2011, 05:15:14 UTC

then I signed up anyway....sigh.

I managed 5 big bangs last year & wrote a ridiculous number of words so I reckon branching out is a good thing.

*takes deep breath*

so jump into the madness with me bb!


sagetan January 9 2011, 23:29:24 UTC
Congrats on your j2_everafter fic! \o/ I am so very intrigued by the concept.

I'm glad you did BB last year, at least ♥ You know, unselfishly.


queenklu January 10 2011, 05:40:25 UTC
The concept is CRAAAAZY. And possibly wrong. Oh well.

You were seriously the best part about that whole experience, bb! *SMISH*


sagetan January 10 2011, 18:19:23 UTC
Sounds right up my alley :D

*smishes back*


biancathecookie January 10 2011, 01:18:30 UTC


queenklu January 10 2011, 05:41:28 UTC


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