Eddie would know what to do. It would involve fishnets in some way.

Aug 28, 2010 11:13

I was at the AK State Fair yesterday (we are so cool, our cabbages are fucking weak if they're less than a 150lbs and grown by a Dinkle) and got my face painted with my bff and wandered and ate and wandered and ate and ate and ate and wandered. As one does at a fair.

Well, i bumped into a girl from one of my classes two years ago (pre Scotland, ( Read more... )

good eats, eddie izzard has a flag, alaska: we're cool, freaking the fuck out, writing: i does it

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Comments 12

linnet_melody August 28 2010, 19:26:30 UTC
Yay writing club!

Try not to think of it as "omg these people will judge me!" More like "yaye, other folks who like to do what I like to do!"

Mmmmm, subs. *gets up to order from her local independent sub-maker shop*


queenklu August 29 2010, 00:26:29 UTC
*SMISH* Thanks bb! That really did help (I got your comment right before i headed out the door :D) Turns out i went to highschool with one girl's little brother, and really everyone lives in the Valley so we know EVERYONE. And the subs ARE really good. ^____________________^



(The comment has been removed)

queenklu August 29 2010, 00:28:40 UTC
Ohhh Merlin. I bet he got the ends stuck together and spent HOURS trying to peel them apart.

Have fun! Don't kill anyone! With what? And why? You must think i are a verrah violent person. o.o


cat_teh_rose August 28 2010, 20:17:11 UTC
no worries luv, you are brillant. they will luff you. and hey, if you're worried about what they think of the old stuff, just remember that its old stuff and in now way reflects your current skillz :D *rah rah klu!*


queenklu August 29 2010, 00:29:59 UTC
*TACKLEGLOMPS* Thanks so much for the cheerleading bb! Turns out the girl at the table was David's older sister! I KNOW. It's a small valley after all. O_O


cat_teh_rose August 29 2010, 07:59:48 UTC
seee i tooold you


shri_amato August 28 2010, 20:48:48 UTC
*SMISHES* I'm sure it'll be fine. I kinda wish I could find something like that around here. That could be interesting.

(7 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 48 seconds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm freakin' out, omg. *flaily fangirl dance*)


queenklu August 29 2010, 00:33:35 UTC
I was fine! Still slightly nerve-wracking, as they seem to expect group members to do NaNoWriMo, which is 50,000 words. In a month.

I am already looking at my big fics going.......fuck me, two of them steal plots, i can't even turn them into bigger stories. The third one is about the sex industry. I DON'T WANT THESE WOMEN READING MY PORN.

Of course. There's always the M2...


shri_amato August 29 2010, 00:43:03 UTC
Yeah... I don't think I'd be able to handle doing NaNoWriMo... like, ever. O_O

You might not want those women reading your porn, but you never know... they might WANT to read your porn. *pokepokes*


vegarin August 29 2010, 02:39:08 UTC
we are so cool, our cabbages are fucking weak if they're less than a 150lbs and grown by a Dinkle

Ahaha! Awesome. If you can write lines like that, I bet there's no reason to be nervous about any writing club. <3 Have fun! I'm sure you'll rock it!


queenklu August 29 2010, 06:41:16 UTC
Ohhh here's hoping. *fingers crossed tight* It's a good group of people, and we'll see how they like my writing. (omg i have to write something that isn't slash o.o)


vegarin August 29 2010, 14:59:23 UTC
have to write something that isn't slash

Hee! Boggles the mind, doesn't it? It's practically impossible to take off the slasher goggle and pretend to be like regular folks. It's like indoctrination to the world.


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