Ficlet: Pride's A B!tch

May 18, 2009 10:15

Title: Pride's A B!tch
Pairing: angsty!Emily/Naomi
Prompt: #21, Pride (written for skins50)
Rating: PG-13 for language
Spoilers: Post-ep 7, veers off into AU after that.
Disclaimer: I so don't own this show, but I would give up my first born to own it! But since I'm pretty sure I'm not ever having kids so the point is moot.
A/N: I've had a couple of lines of this on my computer for forever, and I finally decided to do away with it. It's easy for me to come up with dialogue, but kind of poor on capturing actions so please forgive me if this is a bit stiff. I couldn't decide if this should be 'bitter' or 'pride', so I just settled on pride since I think I can do a better 'bitter' lately.

“Well I wish I had friends who were so kind to fuck me whenever I asked,” the blonde delivered bitterly, causing the redhead to recoil away from her.

“Maybe I thought he deserved a first time worth remembering,” she yelled back, stunning herself. She really hadn’t meant to say that out loud. She could see the hurt flood into the other girl’s eyes, and a gnawing sense of guilt washed through her.

“I didn’t mean to say that, I just…” she trailed off.

“No, I’m glad you said it. At least now I know how you actually feel,” the blonde stated, a cold edge held in her voice, the iciness of her tone sending a shiver down Emily’s spine. Naomi was right at least-it was how she felt-and the more she thought on it, a rise heat of anger began to cloud her mind more and more.

“Oh, come off it! Like you have some grand reason to be angry?! Naomi, you barely talked to me for a week after that night! And when you finally did, I didn’t judge, and I didn’t try to make you feel guilty about it. I just accepted it, because that’s what I do! I let anyone treat me however the hell it suits them, because it’s just who I am. But JJ, JJ cared. He didn’t treat me like his doormat, and he didn’t try to use me for anything. He was a friend, and if I had had half a brain, I’d be in love with him. But I’m not. No, instead I’m so hung up on loving someone who could clearly give a damn about me and frankly, I’m sick of it!” Emily exhaled. And for the second time in the conversation, she realized that she had said more than she meant. She’d just admitted to Naomi that she loved her, and the girl looked nothing short of sick over it.

“Y-you… you lo-love me,” Naomi stuttered out.

“Yeah. I love you,” Emily spoke softly. “But that doesn’t really matter much, does it,” Emily spoke, more statement then question, before turning away and disappearing into the dark. And all Naomi could do was stand there with her bitter pride, as the girl who had stolen her heart left her behind.

naomi/emily, naomily, skins, skins50, fic

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