School, Work, Life, Unscripted

Dec 03, 2006 12:51

I'm very happy to be almost done with school. Just next semester and then I'm taking a break before grad school. I always thought I would go straight through but I feel burn out comming on. I think I'm going to take some time to enjoy the accomplishment. Especially since I'll be taking 18 hours next semester just to graduate on time ( Read more... )

work, school, life, unscripted

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Comments 5

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queenb727 December 4 2006, 00:24:30 UTC
I'm going for art history. At least as of now. I'll use the year off to make sure I really want to go into this field.

What will your degree be in?


queenb727 December 4 2006, 16:32:34 UTC
For some reason the original reply got deleted. Sorry


faeryfan86 December 5 2006, 04:28:25 UTC
that's okay. I know what I said.


anonymous September 2 2019, 07:34:03 UTC
hey you racist fat cunt, I get you hate black women so lsa is a scary place for you, but keep your fucking mouth shut. Transwomen are biologically men. Malik Yoba is bisexual and that's fine. It's not deep. keep your racism to yourself, bitch.


queenb727 September 2 2019, 13:10:17 UTC
I'm black you transphobic dumbass. Stop assuming everyone on the internet is white. It's racist. But it has made my day knowing I've made you so upset. I hope you get upset reading this message, because I like it when bigots are mad. It makes me feel like I've done my part to make the world a better place.


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