Title: Niu Heimar
queen_kat_tun Pairing: Akame (main), others
Genre: AU
Rating: PG (for now)
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kaykm Disclaimer: If those JE boys answer to me, I would have made an adult video of my favorite OTPs.
Warning: Genius/cocky!Jin? o(^~^)o Oh, it could get messy~ XD This fic might have an NC-17 scene in due time *shot*
Summary: Let the games begin!
A/N: The fic
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Comments 46
Anywho, I LOVE THIS FIC!!!! It's SO MUCH FUN! Not to mention I (obviously) adore the way you've characterized the JinJin. Uwah! So cool!
Anywho, since it took me so long to get back to you, feel free to toss me a prompt so I can write you something. Though it won't be until after I'm done with Nana's cookie/hiproll prompt. Hee hee.
*huggles tightly*
Anyway, I'm glad to know that you're still having so much fun reading this fic :) Jin needs a break from all the bakaness and his baka self. >.>
And someday, I'd take that offer (you writing another fic for me) just wait and I'm sure I'd be able to think of one.:D
and i never got to play RPG games...
bookworm anyone?
anyway, you better start playing rpgs, they're really awesome especially the Final fantasy series and Suikoden 3, 4 and 5 :D valkyrie profile is kinda bitching out on me...it's too complicated! >.
Fishy lips uhauhauhauahua XD
And I really like this! It's still a little bit complicated for me to understand the whole RPG game (I think I just played once, some years ago), but I really like it :D
I'm really happy that you're enjoying reading this one ^-^ *hugs you tight*
I can't wait to read more!! Damn, I was trying to go into hiding and not comment and just peacefully go on with my hiatus, but with this story? I HAVE TO COMMENT TO SHOW MY LOVE FOR IT!!
&hearts I LOVE IT!~ I LOVE IT!~ I LOVE IT!~ &hearts and I love RPGs too! XD MUAHAHA!
Damn, I wished that there was a 'part four' link. I knew that a fourth part would be too good to be true. :(
Hehehe! :P Jin is so scheming here... I like it! :) *hugs*
I'm really happy you decided to leave me a comment. You're now out of my 'silent readers' list LOL! THANK YOU SO MUCH! &hearts
We have to play together! XDD Actually, I'm planning to write something that has the squall and rinoa kind of love story, only in Akame ver. XDD
Thanks so much, love &hearts
I was on hiatus, so I couldn't read much fics but now that I'm back!! Get ready to see a lot of me!! Especially in your fics!! I might even LJ-stalk you too! :D
Haha, you like/love Final Fantasy? I absolutely love it!! My sis calls me a nerd for loving it. :( Yes! I'll definitely be there when you write it! :) Akame + Final Fantasy = me extremely happy. XD
have fun~ :)
Thats game so really amusing^^
and triple update, uwaaaaaaaa♥♥♥♥♥
I LOVE IT♥♥♥♥♥♥
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