Title: Beauty & The Geek
Pairing: Jongkey, Onkey, 2min
Genre: AU, Humor, Romance, Drama, Angst
Rating: PG-15 [Language, Sexual Situations, Drug Abuse]
Word Count: 2,473
Disclaimer(s): I own nothing.
Summary: Office romances never come without drama.
A/N: Beta'd by the lovely & amazing
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Comments 59
“S-sorry, but you said 'suitable.'”
In probably the most affectionate display of feelings Jinki has yet to see, Kibum takes a cap out of the pocket of his jacket and tugs it firmly onto Jinki's head.
…and he can't help but think it might be one of the prettiest things he's ever witnessed.
O(>_<)o <3
Haha I couldn't believe today was friday already! Kept thinking we were wednesday.... anyways.
This chapter had me going aawwww every two seconds >< Love it lol
I love jongkey btw. Just not in this fic buahahahaha
okay imma stop now.
do you love spam?? =DD
Your feedback means a lot, thank you! & I hope you'll approve of the way the fic develops no matter what the pairing. ;D
Thank you so much my dear ~ ! <3
Jonghyun needs to buck up (or maybe he just needs Key back.)
Taemin needs to take care of Minho's financial status :/
Annddd I'll definitely follow it!!
There will definitely be Jongkey ~
& I made a community instead. ^_^
Thank you so much for reading & commenting! <3
(The comment has been removed)
(I made a community instead. ^_^)
KiKwang? I don't want to see him get left behind :'(
And I don't even know about 2min. Tae bb is a spoiled boy, MinHo treats him well, but I don't think I'd want it any other way.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Thank you for taking the time to comment & read, & for actually showing some concern for Kikwang ~ <3
Jongkey Jongkey~
weird but I'm starting to like JongKwang roflol. I hope Kikwang gets more love xD
I'm butthurt coz the OnKey here is good. Love this chap :)
and I'll follow the fic account if ever.:3
& yes, poor Kikwang! He does need more love!
Thank you so much hon ~ (I made a community instead)
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