And now back to your regularly scheduled meme posts.

Apr 29, 2009 12:52

Still 15 letters available over here! I don't care that that post was a while ago!

D is for driving! (from onewaystair)

On its own, I do not have a problem with driving. I am usually fairly comfortable behind the wheel, and if I'm in the right mood, I can actually enjoy it. Which is a good thing, since where I live, public transportation basically does not exist. Sure it's around but as often as I go to the cities where it is a viable means of transportation and as far as I have to go to even get there, I really might as well just drive everywhere.

Yeah, commuting's a bitch. When you have to drive an hour to get somewhere you don't really want to be, by yourself, then it just becomes tedious. But I guess I can deal with tedium. I might have a tendency to speed more when I'm commuting, because all I want is to just be there already, which probably isn't a good thing. But when I'm driving that much all the time, I can't help but think of all the more productive things there are to do...and it's not like you can do anything useful while driving. Maybe I should actually look into audiobooks or something...though the thought of listening to someone read to you like that always seemed like it would be weird somehow. I'm not sure language cds would be very helpful to me either...I always hated the listening cds we got in class. I was considering getting a headset thing for my phone so I could at least talk to someone while driving, but I don't know who the hell I'd talk to...more on that in an upcoming post.

The real problems arise with driving in unfamiliar territory. My ability to get ridiculously lost is pretty much legendary. (I am pretty sure this was a big part of how I ended up with Hortez as a muse.) Ending up in some strange place, especially when I was supposed to be at some appointment or other, has brought me to hyperventilation and tears more than once. Even since getting a GPS for christmas I have somehow managed to end up on some mysterious road I'd never heard of before after getting confused and turned around until I don't know which way I'm facing anymore. Just last night on my way home I missed two turns and ended up going way too far and then having to make a u-turn and go back, though the first one was due to not being able to get over into the proper lane in time and then failing to figure out how to get on the right road.

Also last night I hit a huge fucking hole in the road scared the shit out of me, and I was so paranoid my tires were going to give out or something. I kind of hate having to drive a lot in the dark. Back when I had that night class in Denton coming home sucked because there's this one stretch of road that always felt too narrow and just dropped off into a ditch at the sides, and I was always so paranoid that I was going to run off so I had to drive really kind of slow...which I'm sure annoyed the people behind me.

Ooh, I can't believe I was going to end this topic without touching on one of the most awesome (and by awesome I mean not) things about driving. Assholes! :D Most particularly assholes who don't know what their turn signals are for. I can't tell you how many times I've been driving along and some jerk decides to change lanes without informing anyone they are going to do so. Sometimes they do signal, but they do it as they are already moving over which I'm pretty sure defeats the entire point of signaling in the first place. Also awesome is when they don't bother to signal even before actually turning. How is it that even after having to pass a test, people still don't know how they're supposed to drive? Is this a nation-wide problem? I swear I want to put up a PSA about it, but I'm guessing a big billboard that says USE YOUR FUCKING TURN SIGNAL wouldn't fly. Also, are assholes naturally attracted to red pick-up trucks, or do you become an asshole once you are behind the wheel of one? I'm pretty sure nine times out of ten when I see someone being especially dickish on the road, they are driving a red pick-up truck.

People who honk their horns also annoy me, because I'm pretty sure most of the time, they aren't doing it with a legitimate reason. It's always because the person in front of them did not floor it immediately when the light turned green or something...I swear once I got honked at because I was not moving until one second after a light changed. The only time I have ever honked my horn was when I accidentally leaned on it at a red light. I don't have that reflex built in, so even that time some bitch actually ran me off the road I didn't do it, although I definitely should have. She even flipped me off after I moved back onto the road where I had been before she started moving over. Seriously, how could she not have noticed? I should have let her hit me. Of course she would probably claim it was my fault somehow then. Sigh.

Wheee...I was not expecting to have that much to say about driving. I guess I should really get back to work now, since I pretty much have less than a week to finish my portfolio and stuff. omgggg.

assholes, letter meme, getting lost, commuting sucks, people are stupid, driving

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