This post is brought to you by the letter M and its upside-down friend W.

Apr 25, 2009 08:19

It's time to talk about two subjects that are inherently amusing for no discernible reason! And also to remind you once more that letters are still available here if you want me to talk about more stupid things. Or non-stupid things, I guess.

M is for marimo! (from meigahime)

Oh, marimo. What is there to say about you. You are a ball of algae. A round soggy weed. And yet you are so compelling! Just what the hell makes people think you are so cute? Is it the roundness? People keep you in cute jars, and sometimes even name you! Why is this? You don't do anything. You are one step above a pet rock.

It is ruviela's fault that I am somehow enamored of marimo. Apparently she was looking at some and then started talking to me about them. And the next thing I knew we were poking around on e-bay, and then she broke and ordered some and sent me one. wtf. XD (I have not named it, btw.) And now it just sits around in its jar being green and roundish and I guess keeping all my nerdy figurines company. I don't even know. But I have a marimo dammit, and this for some unknown reason amuses me! I even put a virtual marimo in my aquarium on gaia, and it doesn't do anything either...though it does roll around the tank, which I suppose is more than my real one does!

PS: As you can see, I am retarded.

W is for waffles! (from ruviela)

Waffles! The most amusing breakfast food! They are round or square and full of holes! (Sometimes they are other shapes, and sometimes they have Hello Kitty on them!) To be perfectly honest, I have not had real waffles very often. There were stretches of time I was addicted to toaster waffles, because they were easier to make, especially considering the fact that we have never owned a waffle iron. The blueberry ones! And somehow I liked Kroger's store brand better than actual Eggos. I almost never actually put syrup and stuff on them, I just ate them plain. Occasionally I would make sandwiches with syrup and strawberries in them, and those were pretty tasty.

Also I just learned from wikipedia that there is a Dutch version called a stroopwafel! That is kind of exciting to my warped brain, because it's an even more fun word than waffle is in the first place. XD Stroopwafel! Also there was apparently a medieval waffle law that Charles IX of France passed? Yay wikipedia! Eternally full of useless information!

pic spam, letter meme, marimo, meme, waffles, i'm a dork

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