Bring It On!

Jun 21, 2009 14:19

Title: Bring It On!
Author: KliqzAngel
Characters/Pairing: Brian’ O’Connor/Dominic Toretto, with mentions of Letty and Dom/Letty
Content: M/M Relationship and Sexual Situation, Implied M/F Relationship, Angst, Broken!Dom, Loving!Patient!Brian
Rating: R
Notes: Post-Fast and Furious
Words: 976
Summary: Brian got Dom out of Federal custody and they’re back together, but the ghost of Letty still haunts Dominic. Can Brian pull Dom back from the edge or will Dom’s guilt rob him of what little he has left?

“If you sit out here any longer, you’re gonna become a permanent part of the beach.”

Brian sat down behind Dom resting his chin on his boyfriend’s shoulder.

“Do you think she’d still be alive if I’d’ve loved her more?” Dom didn’t move, his gaze firmly locked on the ocean in front of them, but Brian didn’t need to see his face to know what he was suffering through. Letty’s death had been terrible blow to Dom, one he wasn’t getting over well despite the return of Brian to his life, his heart, and his bed. Brian, for his credit understood, but he knew it helped that he and Letty had made their peace with each other before her death and agreed that there was no loser as long as Dom was loved and protected.

“She loved you Don, and she knew that you loved her enough to walk away to try and keep her safe.” Brian kissed Dom’s shoulders wishing there was a way he could take away the pain the other man was going through. “Maybe if she’d known about us…” Dom started voice husky with pain.

“She knew Dom.” Brian interrupted. “When she came to me she said that she trusted me because she knew someone who loved you as much as she did wouldn’t fuck things up. She said that she didn’t care which one of us ended up with you as long as you were home and happy. I guess I fucked that up, but I tried Dom. I swear I thought they would keep their end of the deal.” Hugging Dom tight, Brian tried to catch a glimpse of the other man’s face, but Dom tilted it away so that all he could see was the back of his head.

“This isn’t your fault, Dom. We didn’t cause this. Letty didn’t hate you. She’d accepted in the end that we were something that she couldn’t compete with. She also knew that you’d chosen her when it counted. “

“I’ve ruined so many lives…” Don started only to be interrupted by Brian. “You haven’t ruined anything.”

“Jesse is dead.”

“Tran’s fault not yours.” Brian insisted urgently.

“Vince is dead,” Dom continued not listening.

“Vince knew what he was getting into, and the last I checked the trucker was the one with the gun.”

“Letty is dead.”


“Leon is God only knows where.”

“Leon is probably on a beach somewhere with some senorita makin’ babies.” Brian joked knocking Dom with his shoulder flashing a fake grin to cover his worry over his lover’s state of mind.

“Your career…” Dom started, but Brian in no way was gonna let Dom put the current state of Brian’s career on his shoulders. Brian was a big boy and knew what he was doing when he set it to flames. “…Was my decision dom. I haven’t lost anything I wasn’t in the end willing to throw away. Frankly, I was a pretty crappy cop if I was so willing to let my first big perp run away, and an even worse federal agent since I planned the escape breaking said perp from federal custody. The fact that I so willingly and easily break the law any chance I get should be a clue to us that I’m not really cut out for that obeying the rules kind of lifestyle.”

“When it came down to choosing between you rotting away in prison and me working for a system I no longer believed in, or getting you out and me losing my job, placing myself on the FBI’s bad guys list… pretty easy choice there babe.”

“You’re a federal fugitive, Brian! This isn’t a laughing matter!” Dom shouted standing and marching down the beach, shoulders stiff and back straight. Taking a deep breath, Brian counted to ten before standing and giving chase.

Once catching his boyfriend, although only because Dom stopped if Brian was fair, Brian caught his arm, but Dom refused to turn. “Then I guess we better not get caught. Cause I would make a fucking horrible prison bitch. Orange really isn’t my color.”

Brian could hear Dom growl and leaning forward whispered in his ear. “I hear you, Dom, but if we can’t laugh about this, then they won.” Leaning forward Brian caught Dom’s ear lobe between his teeth then moved his hands around forward touching Dom’s chest and sliding one up and the other down until he had one nipple pinched and, Dom’s dick encircled in his other hand at the same time.

Lowering his head, Brian caught the skin at the spot between Dom’s neck and shoulder between his lips and teeth biting and sucking until it was marked large and red for everyone to see. Tilting his hips forward, Brian pressed his hard cock, trapped inside of his cargo shorts against Dom’s ass rubbing it back and forth making them both groan.

“Jesus, Brian.” Dom panted, head falling back, eyes shut as he let Brian remind him what was really important, and just what he had left to fight for.

“Tell me you love me,” Brian whispered in Dom’s ear pausing to nibble and suck every now and then, leaving an endless series of marks that screamed, “Mine!”. “Tell me you won’t leave me to protect me. Tell me we’re in this together no matter what happens and it’s all worth it, D.”

“I love you,” Dom murmured back thickly, his throat clogged with emotion making his normally deep voice even deeper and huskier, turning Brian on even more. “And I’d die without you. No more running without you at my side, B. It’s us ‘til the end I swear.”

Grinning Brian turned Dom’s head towards him grabbing his mouth in a sloppy off center kiss then smiled at him finally truly care free. “Then I say, ‘bring it on.’”

~The End~

fast & furious, brian/dom, fic

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