Singin' Those Prison Blues

May 23, 2009 20:04

Title: Singin’ Those Prison Blues
Author: KliqzAngel
Beta: no beta! I don’t have one so all mistakes are mine.
Characters/Actor: Dominic Toretto, Jared Padalecki with a minor appearance by Brian O’Connor.
Pairing: Brian/Dom with small implication of Dom/Jared
Content: Nothing to worry about. AU, Established M/M Relationship. Touchy!Jared, Protective!Dom, Accepting!Brian. You know, the usual.
Rating: PG-13 just to be safe.
Notes: Takes place before my story Life Across the Finish Line (or J2 does the Fast and the Furious), which was not posted to any of my tFatF groups just because I didn’t think the Brian/Dom content was high enough in the last half of the story to qualify. But you can read it here if you’d like. There are some very good moments with the boys.

All you really need to keep in mind is that it takes place in some vague period of time after the first movie. The second movie may or may not have taken place as it isn’t really important to the story. The new movie doesn’t exist for this story’s purpose. Dom did time for the hijackings, and the team has scattered including Mia. Brian did work for the FBI. (He may in this story, but he doesn't have a very big role in this so I didn't really decide.) He lives in Dom's house because they are a couple and runs the garage while Dom is doing his sentence.

Summary: Dom told Brian he wouldn’t make it in prison again, now there’s a new fish in his cell with him. Things really aren’t looking up ‘til Dom realizes he needs the kid as much as the kid needs him.


He wasn’t gonna make it. Brian was gonna kill him, he was gonna lose the last person who had stood by him, but he just wasn’t gonna make it. He told Brian he couldn’t do it… TOLD him this would kill him, but he’d let Brian convince him to do it anyway. Those soft words and earnest blue eyes begging him had sucked him in and weakened his resolve. He’d promised he’d try, and try he had, but he couldn’t do it. He could feel it under his skin, feel the loss of control seeping into his very bones - the anger, the aggression, the con mentality that you just couldn’t escape inside.

“Toretto! Back up, you gotta new house guest,” He heard called, and cautiously backed up eyeing the bars in front of him watching to see who was being added to his cell. Some big-assed biker who was gonna try to make him his bitch like the first time? Maybe it would be some psychopath killer who raped bunnies and ate little kids for breakfast. OR, maybe worse, maybe some weak nothing of a man who would push every one of Dom’s buttons and turn him into a monster even Brian O’Connor couldn’t tolerate.

What came through however, wasn’t any of those things. Oh, he was tall alright, taller than Dom, but nearly half his size, and playing tough so bad the blind man down the block would be able to see it, smell the fear comin’ off him.

And in that instant everything changed.

“Don’t worry Padalecki, I’m sure Toretto will take really really good care of you,” the guard said laughing and behind him his buddies joined in. Really, any other time Dom would be jumping forward spitting and snarling, but he didn’t have time. Instead it was the kid he grabbed pulling him back, whispering in his ear, “he’s just yankin’ your chain kid.”

“He ain’t worth the hassle you’ll get for goin’ at a guard.”

Suddenly all that he could see were intense hazel eyes and a jaw locked together so tight, Dom was wonderin’ if he was gonna have to feed the kid through a tube.

“I can take care of myself,” the kid snarled, and Dom couldn’t resist laughing in his face. Because honestly, it was so very obvious that he couldn’t. Fortunately jail had fine tuned his reflexes because he caught the fist as it came at him, wrapping it in one of his own paws.

“I’ll give you that one, kid,” Dom said quietly, “because it’s obvious that you’re so green around the gills you can’t breathe outta water.”

“But, DON’T do that again. I can be your best friend in here or your worst enemy. Trust me; things will go a lot smother if we can at least get along.”

The kid was either stupid, or someone had done a real number on his head, because all he did was snort back at Dom. “I ain’t got no friends,” the kid sneered sharply and Dom could see he was tellin’ the truth from the pain sitting behind all that anger. It set him back so far it took a couple of days for him to wrap his head around the idea.

Sure he was runnin’ a little low right now, but it hadn’t always been that way. Hell, when he was the kid’s age he’d had so many hanger-on’s that he hadn’t known what to do with them all. Of course some of them had drifted off when he’d gone to Lompoc, but he’d still had friends. By the time he’d come out of his daze, the kid was tryin’ his best to get killed, before his first week was even out.

He’d been in the yard, keeping to himself, doing push-ups in a corner, when a shadow fell over him. “Your kid’s getting’ ready to get himself into somethin’.” He heard, and rolling over, saw Lincoln Burrows standing over him. Linc was an alright guy for a con. He was mostly like Dom himself, quiet and tried to keep his shit to himself. “What’re you talkin’ about, what kid?” Dom asked standing quickly and Linc just raised an eyebrow.

“That fish of yours, he’s about to get claimed,” Linc explained before turning and walking away. Dom didn’t even notice though because he was too busy scanning the yard. When he didn’t see him, Dom looked for the most likely group and headed in that direction.

“MINE,” Dom snarled all bass and dangerous intent having spotted the kid on the ground as he was making his way over. A path cleared cons unafraid but smart enough to know going ‘round with Dominic Toretto wasn’t worth it unless it was for a damn good reason. “Mine,” he snarled once more reaching the end and finding someone who was a little more reluctant to give up his prize than the others have. After a few moments though he walked off, having decided as the others had, that the new fish wasn’t worth the trouble.

“Get up,” Dom said softly as he reached down grabbing the kid’s arm and hauling him to his feet. “Stay behind me, don’t stop we’re going over to the corner.” Dom instructed jaw clenched, stomping off barely before he’d gotten the words out.

Reaching his spot, Dom turned and practically ran into the kid who was looking pale and shaky under his stiff jaw. The fear was clearly visible under his hardened eyes for someone who had been there, done that. “You hold it in ‘til we get inside,” Dom said soft and stern. For a minute he was afraid that that would do it, but the kid managed to nod and hold in everything he had packed inside. Fortunately they didn’t have more than another half hour, and the two of them were back inside their cell.

“Sit,” Dom ordered and the kid obeyed, sitting on the bottom bunk, head hung, shaggy hair hanging over his face. Dom stood watching him for a few minutes, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck every now and then as the kid’s shoulders began to shake slightly and Dom shot an uneasy eye over his shoulder to make sure no one was standing outside watching. “From now on, I want you glued to my side. Where I go, you go. Are you hurt bad enough to need looked at?” The shaggy head shook no, and Dom took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, reminding himself this kid didn’t need his crap, he needed his friendship.

“What’s your name kid?” Dom asked finally deciding to start with the question he should have asked two days ago.

‘Jared, Jay,” the kid replied, shaky voice to match his shaky shoulders.

“Alright, look, just stay with me like I said and you’ll be ok. How’d you end up here Jay? You’re obviously a good kid. How is it you don’t have a momma dyin’ to see you on visitin’ day and buddies and a pretty little girl waitin’ for you to get out?”

“I got picked up for drivin’ a getaway car in a bank job. An’ I ain’t got a momma or daddy or brother an’ sister or friends who give a shit for the same reason I ain’t got a pretty little girl waitin’. I ain’t exactly interested in girl parts.”

Dom didn’t mean to make the noise, it just came out. But no sooner had it, than the kid’s head whipped up, the anger back in full force and the guard back up and ready to defend, desperation there if you knew to look for it. Dom could tell one wrong word and things would be going south fast.

Maybe it was because he was a little desperate himself.

Maybe it was because he missed having someone to take care of, someone to follow him and hang on his words like they were gospel.

Maybe it was just because there was something about the kid that clicked like it had with Brian, but before he knew what we was doing, Dom was airing his own laundry as well.

“You ain’t the only one kid,” Dom said softly and he could practically see the emotions play across his face, as the air seemed to just seep out of the kid leaving him deflated and lost, appearing more like the kid he was than he had before.

A few days and several talks later, Dom sat across a table from Brian much more informed about the life of one Jared Padalecki, and feeling incredibly more humbled because of it. “What do you think woulda happened to me if I hadn’t had anyone when I went into Lompoc?” Dom asked Brian, voicing the question that had been under his skin for days.

If Brian found the question strange, he didn’t act like it was, instead he took it as serious as anything Dom asked him answering with nothing but honesty. “I think you woulda crashed and burned, just like any con who has nothing waiting for him on the outside.”

“I think we still woulda met, only I think it woulda been completely different because you really would have been the cold heartless scum bag they told me that you were and I woulda had no hesitation in taking you down. There would be no you and me, you would still be in prison, but instead it would be back in Lompoc or some other maximum security place where you don’t ever see the light of day. This about your new fish?”

Dom looked surprised for a second then shook his head grinning. “You’re a scary man, O’Connor.”

Brian snorted back at him leaning back on the bench he was seated on. “You’re kidding right? Toretto, you’ve done nothing but talk about him every time you have called since they put him in with you. If I didn’t know better I would think you had a crush or somethin’.”

Growling, Dom looked around to make sure no one was listening, and Brian had the grace to blush obviously having forgotten where they were. ‘Sorry, babe.’ Was the message Dom got silently and he shrugged relaxing again knowing it hadn’t been intentional.

“He’s got no one, B, no friends, no family, nothing. It’s no wonder he’s walking around here trying to pretend he’s Al Capone. One second he’s living in Ozzy and Harriet land and the next he’s the last man standing. I just… I’m all he’s got Brian.”

Years later, Brian sat outside the prison gate watching Jared walk through the doors remembering the day and the moment this huge now ex-con became a part of Dom’s family. Their little family was certainly reduced from what it had been when he and Dom first met, but the people in it weren’t any less loyal or passionate about one Dominic Toretto. Brian wasn’t sure about this fish yet, but he had six months to get used to him before Dom would be back, so he supposed that was plenty of time to figure out how to cohabitate around each other before Dom came in and made everything his again.

He had his suspicions Dom and his little fishy had more than a little cardinal knowledge of each other, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t live with. He had no doubt that whatever happened inside of those walls would stay there. Dom was and always would be his, and maybe someday the little fishy would find someone of his own to add to their family. But until then, he needed to get fishy home where he’d be safe.

“Ready, man?” Brian asked smiling all easy and care free, not concerned with the shifty eyes and stiff stance. Instead he just went with it and got into the car. Prison wasn’t something you got used to or got over quickly, and now they had nothing but time.

The End

slash, crossover, fic, tfatf, real person fiction

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