Title: Knowing
Pairing: Brian/Mia, Brian/Dom implied
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Fast & Furious
Disclaimer: It's all you, Universal and Justin Lin.
A/N: The drabbliest of drabbles. YAY! Finally saw the movie this afternoon and this popped into my head on the way home. And it wasn't doing me any good there. So here it is. Now I can page back and catch up on a week's worth of posts about the movie.
She knows when he pulls her out of the interrogation room and doesn't stop moving until they hit the front doors of the Federal building, when he can't say why he let her brother go.
She knows, when in spite of the current pain and grief, she sees them standing together in the garage. Close. She can't believe that they still don't know.
She knows when his tongue is in her mouth, her body pressed tight against his. When the calloused hands she feels, remembers, are Brian Spilner's as they slide under her dress and between her legs.
She knows that she won't be the one to tell them.